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Conflict Unit 1 – Year 11 Lesson 1.

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1 Conflict Unit 1 – Year 11 Lesson 1

2 Personal Development Complete the boxes based on your work on Unit 2 (30%). you are ascertaining what you need to develop on to progress in Unit 1…this will equate to an overall 60% course completion…Year 10 is VERY important.

3 Personal Development - practical

4 Personal Development - Written

5 Conflict Do your opinions differ? Why?
Ask someone else what they interpret this word to mean. What does this word mean to you? Conflict Do your opinions differ? Why?

6 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
Content: To start our new unit (1) based on a Theme and begin to explore possible interpretations of the topic. Process: doing this through the stimuli of poetry, drama mediums of mime, movement and gesture and the drama elements of contrasts and characterisation. Benefits: Kick start Unit 1 off with understanding, awareness and imagination.

7 Unit Breakdown Unit 1 is slightly different to Unit 2. This unit is all based on a theme rather than a play text. This means that the Forms of Stimuli you will come across will be much more extensive and will require you to think and derive meaning more. Lessons based on Conflict Workshop for 6hrs Documentary Response (2000 words)

8 Poem Exploration We’re now going to spend a few lessons exploring the theme of conflict before we start the practice exam sessions. This should help you to start coming up with ideas and techniques that you know work and demonstrate your awareness of elements, strategies and mediums. In groups of 5/6 you will receive a copy of War Photographer by Carol Anne Duffy. As I read the poem highlight words that jump out at you. Think about vivid imagery, things you can envision due to her wording, and how these could become more visual through Drama.


10 Mark the Moment We will now use the strategy of Marking the Moment. As a group collaborate on what you believe to be the 5 most significant moments from the poem – if it helps use the highlighted words you picked out previously.

11 Visualise the Poem You will now demonstrate your marked moments in a visual manner. It is up to you as a group how you interpret the poem but the following rules must be obeyed: Success Criteria: You must have 5 clear still images that are held for 5 minutes You must use the mediums of movement, mime and gesture but no words You must include all members in every image You could use placards to deliver key words or phrases You could consider a naturalistic or physical theatre approach You could consider the element of contrast You will have 10 minutes to work on your depiction.

12 Alkaline Trio - Warbrain
Contrasting Music I will now play a piece of music that will accompany your work. I have deliberately selected a contrasting piece of music. What is the effect of this? Alkaline Trio - Warbrain

13 Notebook review Using your Notebooks write up this session using the learning outcomes slide to structure it.  You must refer to the ways you used: Mediums Elements Stimuli

14 How many new kinds of conflict can we now add to our starting list?
Final Thought… How many new kinds of conflict can we now add to our starting list?

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