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Neanderthal vs. Homo-Sapiens

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Presentation on theme: "Neanderthal vs. Homo-Sapiens"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neanderthal vs. Homo-Sapiens

2 Homosapiens Appeared 200,000 years ago in Africa.
Homo Sapien means “wise people”. They were taller and less muscular than Neanderthals. They are modern humans

3 Homosapiens They were smarter than the Neanderthals and formed spoken languages. Spoken Language allowed them to organize hunts, warn of danger, or pass knowledge and skills on to their young. After 1: What Gave modern humans an advantage over Neanderthals? Why is spoken language an advantage over the Neanderthals? A: Spoken LAnguage

4 Neanderthal Appeared in Europe and Asia 100,000 years ago. They came from the Neander Valley in present day Germany.

5 Neanderthal They could not form words, but made a sound resembling a frog’s croak or burp. They were short and muscular. They disappeared 28,000 years ago.

6 Physical Differences

7 Similarities They both made tools, used fire, and hunted animals.

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