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Ensuring outstanding teaching in art & design

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1 Ensuring outstanding teaching in art & design
Art academy Ensuring outstanding teaching in art & design


3 The art of Joan Miro The art of Joan Miro

4 Joan Miro was born in Spain in 1893
Joan Miro was born in Spain in He began drawing at an early age and studied art throughout school. Much of his work is said to have childlike qualities. He had a very long career and was influenced by many artistic styles. He died in 1983 aged 90. The art of Joan Miro

5 Miro created many art installations in public places
Miro created many art installations in public places. His work is mainly abstract. He then began to depict images from his dreams and imagination - Surrealism The art of Joan Miro

6 This painting is called People and Dog in the Sun.
What shapes do you see? How many dots are in the painting? Can you find the people? The dog? The Sun? This painting is sometimes referred to as “Upside-Down Figures”. Can you see why? The art of Joan Miro

7 Notice the use of bright primary colours
The Sun Notice the use of bright primary colours - Can you see the bird? The art of Joan Miro

8 Here you can see the organic shapes used to create the artwork
The art of Joan Miro

9 This painting is called The Garden
What can you see in the painting? The art of Joan Miro

10 Characteristics of Miro’s Art
Childlike Abstract Use of primary colours – red, yellow and blue Geometric and organic shapes (Geometric shapes – man-made, Organic shapes – found in nature) Lots of dots His works included symbols including the Sun, Moon, birds and people The art of Joan Miro

11 Learning Intention : To create a 3D sculpture in the style of Joan Miro’s ‘The Garden’
Use of primary colours – red, yellow and blue, and bright colours Organic shapes and concentric circles Depictions of birds and flowers Create several 2D representations that are assembled together to create a 3D sculpture. The art of Joan Miro

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