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Parents as Partners in the Education of Children with SEN

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1 Parents as Partners in the Education of Children with SEN
Dr Una O’Connor UNESCO Centre University of Ulster

2 ‘… he’s just a child. Sure, he’s got problems, but he’s just a child, and he’s my child and I want to do what’s best for him. Surely that can’t be bad?’

3 Overview Research context Research aim and questions
Development of the project Findings Issues for consideration

4 Education in Northern Ireland
Review of Public Administration Curriculum Review Bain Review Burns Report Costello Report

5 SEN in Northern Ireland
Code of Practice (under review) SENDO (NI) Disability Discrimination Act The Future Role of Special Schools

6 Pupil Demographics Increase in the number of statements across all school sectors BUT Decline in pupil numbers Projected drop of 9%

7 Research Aim ‘investigate, describe and analyse the experiences and perceptions of parents of statemented children in mainstream and special schools in Northern Ireland within an evolving educational environment.’

8 Research Questions Parents’ perceptions of the assessment and statementing processes; The phenomenology of parents’ educational expectations for a child with SEN; The extent that parents view themselves as partners in the decision-making process; Attitudes and responses towards SEN and disability held by the education system.

9 The Research Procedure
Phase III Personal Interview N=20 Analysis Phase I Q’aire N=1054 Analysis Phase II Phone Interview N-=96 Analysis

10 Parents as Partners The Partnership Principle
Perceptions of partnership The expertise of parents The remit and function of a parent support service Additional support services

11 Parents as Partners (contd)
The Policy and Procedure of Special Education Indicators of satisfaction Indicators of dissatisfaction Policy guidelines Communication and support

12 Parents as Partners (contd)
The School Environment School ethos School development Professional practice Teachers Classroom assistants The SENCO

13 Parents as Partners (contd)
Inclusion Definitions of inclusion Individual and institutional understanding Understanding of diversity Optional inclusion The readiness of mainstream The right environment The role of special schools

14 Issues for Consideration
1. Parents as Partners Singular and unique reality Expertise not the sole prerogative of professionals Meaningful participation

15 Issues for Consideration
2. Policy and Procedure By professionals for professionals Systemic short-comings Rigour and accountability Communication and support

16 Issues for Consideration
3. Inclusive Practice Whole-school development and planning Inclusion And marketisation And rationalisation And alternative options

17 Issues for Consideration
4. Training and Professional Development Professional adjustment Personal development ITE and CPD

18 ‘I think I’ve probably got quite hardened to everything and I’ve actually become a superb tactician. This is too important. I mean, I wouldn’t think of fighting, but I would fight my corner when it came to my child.’

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