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Embedded IP Raffi Krikorian.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedded IP Raffi Krikorian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedded IP Raffi Krikorian

2 Building Internet0 Traditional networking hardware research focuses on bigger and faster pipes (Internet2) We focus on bit-dribbling hardware

3 Bridging the bandwidth divide
Bringing IP to the leaf node Revisiting hardware transports and redesigning logical transports Cheap, low bandwidth IP (a level below Ethernet)

4 Going really small Distributed scalable system -- no central points of control Self organizing Growing

5 Building the small things
PIC microcontrollers Delayered TCP/IP stack and HTTPd (3K code) RS-485 communication

6 What to do with all of this?
Embedded IP allows us to build/learn/play with distributed systems First test installation was in Barcelona, moving towards second CBA’s new home is first permanent testbed

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