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Select Committee on Finance National Council of Provinces

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1 Select Committee on Finance National Council of Provinces
Provincial Budgets and Expenditure as at 30 June 2008 (2008/09 Financial Year) [Section 32 of PFMA] Select Committee on Finance National Council of Provinces Presented by: Intergovernmental Relations National Treasury August 2008

2 Key priorities for 2008 MTEF (1)
Education Early Childhood Development (0-4) Textbooks for Grades to support the NCS Expansion of Grade R Expansion of Inclusive Education (Learners with disabilities) Education Personnel

3 Education Provincial forecasting trends: 2004/05 - 2008/09

4 Education: Provincial Monthly Expenditure

5 Provincial Social Services (2)

6 Education (1) Spending at R24.8bn or 23.8% against R104.2bn main budget Projected overspending of R2.3bn (mostly Personnel) in 4 provinces Increase of R5.4bn or 27.9% compared to the previous year Low rate of education spending in GP (22.2%) and LP (22.3%) NC (29.4%) and KZN (25.3%) reflects the highest rate of spending in education Education Personnel spending at R19.5bn or 24.6% (R79.3bn main budget) Projected overspending of R1.8bn in 8 provinces Projected underspending of R4.7m in GP Goods and services (mostly LSM) at R2bn or 16.2% (R12.1bn main budget) Projected overspending of R251m Capital spending at R684.2m or 14.2% Represents an increase of R64.3m or 10.4% compared to pre-audited outcome last year Low rate of capital spending in GP (2.3%) and WC (9.4%) NC (48.1%) and MP (27.1%) reflects the highest rate of capital spending in education

7 Education (2)

8 Education: Public Ordinary Schools

9 Education: Personnel

10 Education: Capital

11 Education: Non-personnel Non-capital

12 Payments for Capital Assets (Education and Health)
Education capital spending at R684.2m or 14.2% Represents an increase of R64.3m or 10.4% compared to spending last year Wide fluctuations compared to last year’s pre-audited outcome Low rate of education capital spending in GP (2.3%) and WC (9.4%) NC (48.1%) and MP (27.1%) reflects the highest rate of capital spending in education

13 Education: Capital

14 Conditional Grants

15 Conditional Grants (2) Spending on the Further Education and Training College Sector Recapitalisation grant is at 47.5 % or R378 million and reflects actual transfers from the provincial education departments to the FET colleges FET colleges’ expenditure is at 25.3 % or R100.4 million of the R397.5 million received from the provincial education departments Expenditure by colleges published in Government Gazette of 30 July 2008 Information provided by national Department of Education

16 Conditional Grants (3)

17 Conditional Grants (4)

18 Conditional Grants – Spending Rates


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