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Characteristics Of Living Things

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1 Characteristics Of Living Things
Science Quiz Characteristics Of Living Things


3 Rules You must wait until the entire question is read aloud before you try to answer. If you try to answer and you get the question correct, then your team receives however many points the question was worth. If you answer incorrectly, then your team loses however many points the question was worth. If you select a “Double Up!!!” category, only your team may answer. You may risk as many points as your team has accrued, but if you answer incorrectly, your wagered amount will be deducted from your score. If you do not have any points, or have a negative score, then the question is for the assigned amounts of points, and anyone can attempt to answer it

4 Rules (continued) Once all categories and point amounts have been used on the main board, all teams with positive scores move on to the “Final Question”. The same rules apply about wagering points as in “Double Up!!!”. Once you attempt to answer, you will have 1 minute to complete your answer. The teacher is the judge, and has final say in all matters pertaining to this game.

5 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Miscellaneous Vocabulary
Characteristics of All Organisms Needs of All Organisms Spontaneous Generation 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

6 Vocabulary 100 This is the term that means “a living thing”.

7 Answer Vocabulary 100 What is an organism? Back to Game Board

8 Vocabulary 200 This word means an “organism that is made of only one cell”.

9 Answer Vocabulary 200 What is unicellular? Back to Game Board

10 Vocabulary 300 This word means “an organism that is made of more than one cell”.

11 Answer Vocabulary 300 What is multicellular? Back to Game Board

12 Vocabulary 400 This is the definition of autotroph.

13 Answer Vocabulary 400 What is “an organism that can make its own food”? Back to Game Board

14 Vocabulary 500 This is the definition of heterotroph.

15 Answer Vocabulary 500 What is, “an organism that must eat other organisms for energy”? Back to Game Board

16 Vocabulary 600 This is the definition of the theory of spontaneous generation.

17 Answer Vocabulary 600 What is, “the mistaken idea that living things come from nonliving sources”? Back to Game Board


19 How many of your team’s points do you wish to wager?
Vocabulary 700 This is the definition of development. Double Up!!! How many of your team’s points do you wish to wager?

20 Answer Vocabulary 700 What is, “becoming more complex over time”?
Back to Game Board

21 Vocabulary 800 This is the definition of homeostasis.

22 Answer Vocabulary 800 What is, “maintaining stable internal conditions”? Back to Game Board

23 Characteristics 100 All organisms—whether they are autotrophs or heterotrophs--use energy from this source.

24 Answer Characteristics 100
What is food? Back to Game Board

25 Characteristics 200 This characteristic of all living things is taken care of either sexually or asexually.

26 Answer Characteristics 200
What is reproduction? Back to Game Board

27 Characteristics 300 This is what all living things are made of.

28 Answer Characteristics 300
What are cells? Back to Game Board

29 Characteristics 400 This is an example of a stimulus and response of a plant.

30 Answer Characteristics 400
Ex. What is a plant bending toward sunlight? Other answers are acceptable. Back to Game Board

31 Characteristics 500 This is the difference between growth and development.

32 Answer Characteristics 500
What is, “growth is getting bigger, but development is becoming more complex”? Back to Game Board

33 Characteristics 600 This is an example of development.

34 Answer Characteristics 600
What is a tadpole turning into a frog; a caterpillar/butterfly; production of different types of cells; brain development; etc.. Back to Game Board

35 Characteristics 700 These are two building materials of cells.

36 Answer Characteristics 700
What are lipids and proteins? Back to Game Board

37 Characteristics 800 These are the five chemicals that all living things have in common.

38 Answer Characteristics 800
What are water, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, & lipids? Back to Game Board

39 Needs 100 These are the four needs of all living things.

40 Answer Needs 100 What are energy (food), water, living space, and stable internal conditions? Back to Game Board

41 Needs 200 This is what will happen if all of an organism’s basic needs are not met.

42 Answer Needs 200 What is, “it will die”? Back to Game Board

43 Needs 300 These are what an organism’s living space provides.

44 Answer Needs 300 What are, “a place to get food, water, & find shelter”? Back to Game Board

45 Needs 400 Because living space is limited, organisms may do this.

46 Answer Needs 400 What is compete for it? Back to Game Board

47 Needs 500 This is what “auto” means, what “hetero” means, and what “troph” means.

48 Answer Needs 500 What are, “self”, “other”, and “feeder”?
Back to Game Board

49 Needs 600 This is why organisms need to maintain homeostasis.

50 Answer Needs 600 What is, “because conditions in their surroundings are constantly changing”? Back to Game Board

51 Needs 700 This is the property that makes water vital to all living things.

52 Answer Needs 700 What is, “its ability to dissolve more chemicals than any other substance on Earth”? Back to Game Board

53 Needs 800 These are the three things that most autotrophs need to make food.

54 Answer Needs 800 What are sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water?
Back to Game Board

55 SG 100 This is whether or not the theory of spontaneous generation is true or false.

56 Answer SG 100 What is false? Back to Game Board

57 SG 200 These are the two scientists who helped to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation.

58 Answer SG 200 Who are Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur?
Back to Game Board

59 SG 300 In order to disprove spontaneous generation, two scientists both conducted this type of experiment.

60 Answer SG 300 What is a controlled experiment? Back to Game Board

61 SG 400 This was the manipulated variable from Redi’s experiment.

62 Answer SG 400 What is the cover on one jar of meat? Back to Game Board

63 SG 500 This is why spontaneous generation is incorrect.

64 Answer SG 500 What is, “because all living things come from other living things”? Back to Game Board

65 SG 600 This was the manipulated variable in Pasteur’s experiment.

66 Answer SG 600 What is boiling one flask? Back to Game Board

67 SG 700 This is roughly when Redi conducted his experiment, and when Pasteur conducted his experiment.

68 Answer SG 700 What are the mid 1600s, and the mid 1800s?
Back to Game Board

69 SG 800 This is the name of the process that is still used today that was discovered due to Pasteur’s famous experiment.

70 Answer SG 800 What is pasteurization? Back to Game Board

71 How many of your team’s points do you wish to wager?
Miscellaneous 100 These are two examples of a unicellular organism. Double Up!!! How many of your team’s points do you wish to wager?

72 Answer Miscellaneous 100 (only 2 needed) What are bacteria, yeast, or some protists? Back to Game Board

73 Miscellaneous 200 This is an example of an autotroph, and a heterotroph.

74 Answer Miscellaneous 200 What is a plant, algae, or some bacteria (autotrophs), and what is an animal, fungi, some protists, and some bacteria (heterotrophs)? Back to Game Board

75 Miscellaneous 300 This is asexual reproduction.

76 Answer Miscellaneous 300 What is reproduction that only uses one parent, and the offspring are genetically identical to the parents? Back to Game Board

77 Miscellaneous 400 This is the function of nucleic acids.

78 Answer Miscellaneous 400 What is, “to direct the functions of cells”?
OR What is, “the chemical instructions that cells need to carry out the functions of life”? The chemical instructions that cells need to carry out the functions of life. Back to Game Board

79 Miscellaneous 500 This is the organization of the following structures from least complex to most complex. Organs, cells, tissues, organism, organ system.

80 Answer Miscellaneous 500 What are cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, & organisms? Back to Game Board

81 Miscellaneous 600 These are two examples of cells that are big enough to see without a microscope.

82 Answer Miscellaneous 600 What are eggs and amoebas? Back to Game Board

83 Miscellaneous 700 These are two functions of lipids in cells.

84 Answer Miscellaneous 700 What are stored energy, and building materials? Back to Game Board

85 Miscellaneous 800 This is how many cells are in a the multicellular organism—a human.

86 Answer Miscellaneous 800 What is trillions? Back to Game Board


88 Characteristics of Living Things
Who will win? Final Question Characteristics of Living Things

89 The category is: ENERGY USE Write down how many of your team’s points that you wish to wager.

90 ENERGY USE All organisms use this energy either directly or indirectly.


92 ANSWER What is the sun’s energy?

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