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The Acts of the Apostles

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1 The Acts of the Apostles
Acts 17 – Gospel Persuasion, Prejudice And Pride Sunday – July 1, 2018 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.

2 Worksheet On Acts Chapter 17
13. What did the brethren do? Who stayed in Beroea? 14. What was Paul’s next destination? 15. What commandment was given to Silas and Timothy?

3 Worksheet On Acts Chapter 17
16. What disturbed Paul while he waited in Athens? 17. Whom did Paul encounter in Athens and what did they say? 18. Where did they take him and what was this place? 19. What did they desire of Paul? 20. What does the author reveal about the nature of the Athenians?

4 Worksheet On Acts Chapter 17
21. What did Paul first say to those in Athens? 22. What did Paul observe as he passed along through Athens? What did he eventually find? 23. What does Paul say he will set forth unto them? 24. How does Paul identify God? cf. verses What conclusion does Paul then draw from what he has said?

5 Worksheet On Acts Chapter 17
26. What comparison does Paul make concerning God’s former requirements and the present ones? 27. What does Paul say motivates us to repent? a. What does this conclude about who is responsible before God? 28. How has God given assurance to all men? 29. How did they react when they heard Paul mention the resurrection? 30. What was the reaction of those who believed?

6 Worksheet On Acts Chapter 17
THOUGHT QUESTION: 1. Continue to list and identify the places visited by Paul.

7 Paul’s Second Preaching Trip Acts 15:41-18:22
Bithynia Mysia Galatia Phrygia Asia Cilicia Syria Paul’s Second Preaching Trip Acts 15:41-18:22

8 The Acts of the Apostles
Acts 18 – Fightings, Within And Without Sunday – July 1, 2018

9 Aquila


11 Greece: Corinth, Corinthian columns
The City. 400,000 population. Commerce, Vices. Corinthian columns at Corinth in south-central Greece. The remains of the ancient city lie about 50 miles west of Athens, at the eastern end of the Gulf of Corinth. On mainland Greece, Corinth was the main center of worship of Aphrodite (Roman: Venus) goddess of sexual love and beauty. The immorality was notorious even in the pagan world; so that “to Corinthianize” was proverbial for playing the wanton … 1,000 female slaves being maintained for the service of strangers (Rupprecht 1:961). Hence, arose dangers to the purity of the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 5-7)

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