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Prompt: Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period.

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Presentation on theme: "Prompt: Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prompt: Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period . Period 4: ( ) Basic Facts Extensive Moderate Fair Poor Thorough discussion of POLITICAL issues including but not limited to: the 2nd Continental Congress, Olive Branch Petition, Washington as Commander of the Army, Issuing of the Declaration of Independence (and what that meant for the signers,) Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, the presence of Loyalists within the colonies (a war within a war) Thorough discussion of DIPLOMATIC issues including but not limited to: The French Alliance of 1778, Benjamin Franklin as ambassador to France, John Adams as ambassador to Holland, the Olive Branch Petition, Whigs among the British, the increasing cost of a foreign war for Great Britain, the Treaty of Paris, 1783 Thorough discussion of MILITARY issues including but not limited to: Patriot advantages (just cause, fighting on home territory, experience from earlier wars,) Green Mountain Boys, British occupation of major cities, the use of a colonial militia, no effective blockade of American coast. DUE DATE 9/16/2016 – LEQ IN-CLASS WRITE NAME: GRADE: 9-100 4-70 8-95 3-60 7-87 2-50 6-80 1-40 5-75 THESIS: STRONG!! Good Partially Developed Underdeveloped/Unclear/Restates Question Organization: Strong Acceptable Weak Strengths: Writing: Strong Acceptable Weak Things to Work On: Analysis: -Effective analysis – tells me why! -Some analysis – uneven in treatment of question -More descriptive than analytical -Little/Poor Analysis/Unclear Connections -Generalizations -Major/Minor Errors in facts & analysis -Fails to integrate facts well with analysis

2 General Essay Rubric The 8-9 Essay
Contains a clear, well-developed thesis that addresses all parts of the question. Provide substantial relevant information in support of the thesis. Effective analysis addressing all parts of the question. May contain minor errors Is well-organized  The 5-7 Essay Contains a thesis that may be partially developed & addresses most parts of the question. Supports the thesis with some relevant information. Provides some analysis of most parts of the question May contain errors that do not seriously detract from the essay The 2-4 Essay Contains a thesis that may be underdeveloped or poorly developed Includes minimal information relevant to the question Provides little or no analysis or contains only generalizations May contain major errors  The 0-1 Essay Lacks a thesis or restates the question Has little or no relevant information regarding the question Has little or no understanding of the question May contain numerous errors

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