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AANI SC Agenda November 2016

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1 AANI SC Agenda November 2016
July 2009 doc.: IEEE /0840r0 AANI SC Agenda November 2016 Date: Authors:

2 Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE /1455r0 Abstract Agenda for: The AANI SC (Advanced Access Network Interface Standing Committee)

3 IEEE 802.11 AANI Standing Committee
July 2009 doc.: IEEE /0840r0 IEEE AANI Standing Committee Agenda November 8, 2016 Chair: Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

4 Attendance, etc. Call for a secretary: please, volunteer
July 2009 doc.: IEEE /0840r0 Attendance, etc. Call for a secretary: please, volunteer Reminders to attendees: Please record your attendance Please mute any noise making devices No recordings

5 Jan 2009 doc.: IEEE /1455r0 Agenda Tuesday – AM2 Call for Secretary Administrative: Attendance, Participants, Patents, Duty to Inform, Call for Patents, Guideline, Agenda, approval of minutes, announcements Status/Background – Liaison Activity AANI SC Background 3GPP RAN TSG and 3GPP SA TSG reactions to the liaison Status of 802 EC liaison to 3GPP PCG 3GPP PCG reaction to the liaison and the 802 EC liaison Discuss 3GPP next steps Review and Discussion of “Option A”: “IEEE “5G” Specification” Tuesday – EVE – Reply to LS: 11-16/1384 – Draft Reply in Thursday – AM2 Call for/election of AANI SC Vice Chair “Option A”: “IEEE “5G” Specification” Update and Continue Discuss Continue 3GPP next steps discussion New Business Future Sessions Planning 

6 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform
July 2009 doc.: IEEE /0840r0 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants [Note: Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2]: “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search

7 July 2009 doc.: IEEE /0840r0 Patent Related Links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit This slide set is available at

8 Call for Potentially Essential Patents
July 2009 doc.: IEEE /0840r0 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted

9 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings
All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details.

10 Approval of Minutes Minutes from the September F2F Meeting in Warsaw: 11-16/1287r0 Objections to approving the minutes? Minutes from the 27 September Teleconference: /1303r0 Minutes from the 27 October Teleconference: 11-16/1351r0

11 Announcement: Call for a Vice Chair
The Chair has suggest that the AANI SC should have a Vice Chair The AANI SC Chair agrees Please see the AANI Chair if you are interested in being the AANI SC Vice Chair. An election, if necessary will be held Thursday AM2 at the AANI

12 August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 AANI SC Background At the July 802 Plenary meeting in San Diego passed a motion to form this standing committee [1] to: Coordinate and support an IMT-2020 proposal, external proposal (option B3) [2] Coordinate with and support (lead) in meeting the actions towards “IEEE “5G” specification” (option A) [2] Report status to on the activities of this committee. Activity related to an IMT-2020 external proposal (option B3) sent a Liaison (11-16/1101r10) to 3GPP RAN and SA (9/17) The Liaison was presented and discussed at the 3GPP RAN meeting on 9/19 and at the 3GPP SA meeting on 9/22,23 Activity related to “IEEE “5G” specification” (option A) 802.1CF OmniRAN – held a brain storming meeting (9/14) Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

13 3GPP RAN and SA reactions to the 802.11 liaison
August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 3GPP RAN and SA reactions to the liaison Both RAN and SA are supportive of working with to improve WLAN aggregation and integration, as we requested. RAN Conclusion Sept [3]: “RAN chair will inform PCG about RAN conclusion: From RAN point of view it is desirable to discuss radio-level integration between 3GPP/NR and system” SA position on the role of WLAN in IMT-2020 Sept [4]: SA considers it desirable to continue to improve WLAN integration in the 3GPP NextGen System in future There are related objectives in on-going stage 1 and stage 2 work. From Rel-6 to Rel-13, there was continual advancement of features to improve integration of WLAN with the 3GPP system. SA defers to PCG to further discuss how cooperation between IEEE and 3GPP TSGs and WGs can be pursued beyond the existing collaboration (through LS exchanges). In particular, SA requests PCG consider all aspects of the incoming LS concerning IMT-2020 submission and to provide guidance. Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

14 Status of 802 EC activity on liaison to 3GPP PCG
August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 Status of 802 EC activity on liaison to 3GPP PCG The 802 EC has sent an liaison to the 3GPP PCG [5] ec-16/0158r0 “ Summary The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (IEEE 802) would like to collaborate with the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) towards support of IMT-2020 and next generation networks. We suggest that this begin with developing a common understanding of interworking with IEEE 802 networks in meeting the requirements of next generation networks. We also believe it would be helpful for our organizations to identify mutually agreeable collaboration mechanisms that takes into account the existing procedures of each organization. We propose some collaborative approaches and request the 3GPP Project Coordination Group (PCG) to suggest further details consistent with its goals and operating procedures. …..” Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

15 3GPP PCG Response to the Liaisons 1/4
The PCG met on the 20 October and discussed both the liaison to RAN and SA and the 802 EC liaison The result was a reply liaison to and 802 EC, copied to TSG RAN and TSG SA (This liaison may not have been officially sent, yet. This information is from [6] and [7]) In summary (my view): The LS is a polite reply that thanks us for the LSs, states the existing collaboration is productive and efficient, and that the collaboration has led to positive outcomes that serve the industry. The LS goes on to say that the current methods of collaboration are adequate and no change in how 3GPP works with 802 is called for. In addition, 3GPP will continue with their current plan for IMT-2020.

16 3GPP PCG Response to the LSs 2/4
“The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Project Coordination Group (PCG) thanks the IEEE WG for its LS dated September 16, 2016, which was submitted to TSG SA and TSG RAN, and thanks IEEE 802 for its LS dated October 13, 2016, which was submitted to the PCG leadership, regarding the role of WLAN in IMT GPP PCG appreciates the LSs and the collaborative activities between 3GPP and IEEE 802 over the past several years.” (CONTINUED)

17 3GPP PCG Response to the LSs 3/4
“3GPP PCG believes that the existing collaboration between our organizations has proven to be extremely productive and efficient, resulting in increased interconnectivity and many positive outputs for the interworking and aggregation between 3GPP and IEEE 802 technologies. Furthermore, 3GPP PCG believes that the existing collaboration has served the industry well. 3GPP PCG believes the communication and exchange of information between our organizations has proven successful via existing representation at meetings in our respective organizations. We understand this technical cooperation went further with LAA and we encourage further technical collaboration in this manner in the future. We believe the existing formal and informal processes are sufficient to achieve successful collaboration.” (CONTINUED)

18 3GPP PCG Response to the LSs 4/4
“3GPP will produce an IMT-2020 submission in a similar manner as it did for the IMT-Advanced submission and 3GPP PCG has not identified any reasons to change its approach. 3GPP looks forward to our continued discussions of potential enhancements to allow improved WLAN integration/aggregation.”

19 Discuss 802.1/OmniRAN led activity on “Option A”: “IEEE 5G”
August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 Discuss 802.1/OmniRAN led activity on “Option A”: “IEEE 5G” At the September OmniRAN meeting on “IEEE 5G” Discussed: Industry Connections (IC), possible industries, possible way forwards IC Program: An SA tool for: Supporting the incubation of new technologies, standards and related services to help solve shared industry problems. Discussed some possible Industries: Cable Operators, Cloud Operators, Automotive, Metropolitan, Networks/Public Networks, Enterprise, Stadium/Event Venues On the October ANNI SC Teleconference Reviewed of the status of the activity and had some limited discussion Input for the Wed PM2 Omni RAN meeting? IC experience in will be discussed Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

20 IC Support Services 1/3 Activity startup support
Assignment of IEEE-SA advisor/mentor Assistance with creation and approval of the Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) Early Executive Committee (EC) meeting consultation Facilitate establishment of policies & procedures (P&P) Facilitate EC officer election Advise EC Chair on establishment of work plan Establish system for supporting documentation and website of the IC activity Group communication, collaboration, and productivity tools IC activity website with templates Membership management for IC activity lists for all members, EC, and subgroups Document management system and file archives Training session, as needed

21 IC Support Services 2/3 Policies and procedures development support and consultation Baseline templates for developing P&P Advise EC and activity members on P&P related questions Recommend updates to P&P as needed Assist with annual progress reviews and ICAID revisions, if needed Voting and election administration Impartial administration of officer elections Impartial administration of major/sensitive votes Marketing communications for significant milestones and events (if desired) Announcement at/near beginning of IC activity One media announcement per year thereafter, upon completion of major deliverables

22 IC Support Services 3/3 Publication and/or standardization support
Support & guidance on streamlined publication of documents through IEEE Support & guidance on startup of formal standards projects through IEEE-SA Includes assistance with creation and approval of Project Authorization Requests (PARs) Administration of added fee services (e.g., technical writing, workshops) Facilitate selection of service providers Manage contracts and negotiate fees Deliverables and payments schedule oversight Activity member/sponsor fee collection and distribution

Policies and Procedures IEEE-SA Industry Connections Committee Operations Manual Standards Board Bylaws Standards Board Operations Manual IC Activity P&P Individual Baseline (.doc) IC Activity P&P Entity Baseline (.doc) IC Activity P&P Individual Checklist (.doc) IC Activity P&P Entity Checklist (.doc) All Policies and Procedures Templates IC Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) Form (.doc) IC Activity Status Report Template (.ppt) IC Activity Contribution Permission Request (.doc) IC Activity Contribution Permission Response (.doc) IC Activity Document Template (.doc) IC Activity Document Copyright Statement (.doc) IC Activity Document Notice and Disclaimer of Liability (.doc)

24 Contents of a Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) [8]
Contact Participation and Voting Model “Entity” or “Individual” Purpose Motivation and Goal Related Work Previously Published Material Potential Markets Served Estimated Timeframe Proposed Deliverables Funding Requirements Management and Procedures IEEE Sponsoring Committee Activity Management Procedures Participants Stakeholder Communities Expected Number of Participants Initial Participants.

25 Discuss 802.1/OmniRAN led activity on “Option A”: “IEEE 5G”
August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 Discuss 802.1/OmniRAN led activity on “Option A”: “IEEE 5G” Next steps?: Pick an industry and kick of an IC to discuss and define market requirements/gaps for next generation Standard for 802 “5G”. Draft a Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) Propose an alternate way forward. Discussion Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

26 New Business Any other business? August, 17 2016
doc.: IEEE /1093r0 New Business Any other business? Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

27 Future Sessions Planning
August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 Future Sessions Planning Teleconference: Thursday 1 December at 10:00am EDT: Continue discussion on LS reply to 3GPP Continue discussion on “IEEE “5G” Standard”/IC project Thursday 15 December at 10:00am EDT Thursday 5 January at 10:00am EDT 15-20 January F2F meeting in Atlanta, GA: Goals: Propose an IC project, Complete a draft of the an Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) Generate a new liaison to RAN and SA to highlight key technical areas Tuesday: TBD Thursday: Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

28 References 11-16-1057-01-0000-802-11-imt-2020-5g-sc-proposal
August, doc.: IEEE /1093r0 References imt g-sc-proposal ec GSG-report-ieee-802-ec-5g-imt-2020-sc section 9 New Radio, RP 6 General Incoming Liaisons, TD SP , note also see SP‑160737 802 EC, Collaboration Proposal, ec-16/0158r0 Proposed PCG Response to IEEE and IEEE 802 LSs: PCG37_40 brief PCG 37/ OP 36 report to SA ( ) IC Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) Form (.doc) Joseph Levy (InterDigital)

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