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Room 111 News Friday November 6, 2015 Important dates:

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1 Room 111 News Friday November 6, 2015 Important dates:
There is no Shine Student due to the short week. 11/11: Picture Retake Day 11/12-11/13: No school for students- OCEA Teacher Conference 11/20: SCAPP Day 11/18-11/24: Book Fair-11/24 First Grade day to shop. 11/19 and 11/23: Parent Conferences 11/23: First and Second Grade Thanksgiving Prayer Service Important Information: There WILL Not be a spelling test next week! We learned a lot this week during Red Ribbon Week. Students got to participate in many fun activities, including an awesome motivational presentation by “Basketball Jones”! We also learned about the difference between illegal drugs and medicines, and how and when to report dangerous situations to an adult. Remember if you wish to have your child’s picture retaken they must bring back their original picture packet. If your child was absent on Picture Day they should have already received an order form. If you have not yet signed up for a Parent/Teacher conference please do so ASAP! If you need assistance contact the office. Report Cards were posted on Tuesday. Please be sure that you view and sign-off on your child’s card. If you did not get an with this information please check with the office. It was sent through School Speak. On 11/23 we are going to have a prayer service for Thanksgiving. If you would like to help or donate one of the following items it would be very much appreciated. We need 2 volunteers from 8:00 to 11:00, Oreos, Goldfish, popcorn, spoons and juice boxes. If you would like to volunteer or donate something, please send me an and I will get back to you! THANK YOU! The Scholastic Book Fair with be from 11/18 to 11/24. Our day to buy is Tuesday the 24th. The Book Fair will be open during both conference evenings.

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