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Published byShanon Weaver Modified over 5 years ago
MIS 644 Social Newtork Analysis 2017/2018 Spring
Chapter 6-C The Small World Model
Outline The Small world model Degree Distribution
Clustering Coefficient Average Path Length
The Small World Model One of the least well-understood - real networks
trnsitivity: propensty of two neighbors of a vertex being neighbors of one another Neither RG or CM nor network growth models generate significant lvvel of transitivity Measured by clustering coefficients E.g. As n becomes large – CC vanishes Orders of magnitudes smaller than observed for real nets
A simple triangular latice has a trnsitivity
# of triangles = 2 n C(6,2) =15 connected triples for each vertex 0.4 competible with many real social networks Not depends on size of the network
Fig of N-N A triangular lattice. Any vertex in a triangular lattice, such as the one highlighted here, has six neighbors and hence pairs of neighbors, of which six are connected by edges, giving a clustering coefficient of = 0.4 for the whole network, regardless of size
Another model with high CC
Fig. 15.2a of N-N Vertices – on a one dimensional line connectd to c nearest vertices – c being even
A simple one-dimensional network model.
(a) Vertices are arranged on a line and each is connected to its c nearest neighbors, where c = 6 in this example. (b) The same network with periodic boundary conditions applied, making the line into a circle
Traversing a “triangle” in our circle model means taking two steps forward around the circle and one step back. C(c/2,2) total # of possibilities for two steps # ways of observing the target c/2 steps forward = (1/2)(c/2)(c/2-1) = (1/4)c(c/2-1)
# of connected triples centered on each vertex C(c,2)=c(c-1)/2
Total # connected triples: nc(c-1)/2 C: As c varied from 2 to infinite CC varies from 0 to ¾ Net depends on n Unrealistic Regular networks with DD = c
A more serious problem Large worlds: - do not display small world effect observed in most real networks The shortest path distances between most pairs of vertices is small (a few steps) even for networks of billions of nodes acquaintance network of entire World population
The shortest distance between two vertices in the circle model:
fastest move in a ring c/2 spacings Two vertices m spaces apart can be connected by a path of 2m/c Averaging over all possible m from 0 to n/2 gives: n/2c e.g.: for the acquaintance net of world pop n - O(109), c - O(103), l - O(109-3) - millions measured l – 6 to 10
By contrast the RG capture the SW effect rather well
As with many other network models CM pass Average shortest path – ln(n)/ln(c) For the acquaintance network – 9/3 =3 But has an unrealistically low CC The two models: RG and simple circle (SC) Each capture one property of real nets RG – SW effect , SC – CC Small world (SM) by Wattsw and Stogatz
SWM interpolate between SC and RG
By moving or rewiring edges from circle to random possitions Starting from a CM of n vertices each having c edges Go through each of the edges in turn With some prob p: remove that edge and Replace with one joining two vertices choosen uniformly at random - shortcuts
The parameter p controls the interpolation between the CM and RGM
p=0: no edges are rewired – original CM P=1: all edges are rewired - RGM For intermediate values of p: Networks in between For p=0, the SWM shows clustering (c>2) but not SW effect For p=1: reverse -RGM For modest values of p, both high CC and SW efect
For analytical tracability
Variant of the original model: Edges are added randomly No edges are removed from the circle p – same as in the original model For every edge with independent prob p add a shorcut between vertices choosen uniformly at random
Downside: for p=1 – not RG GR+original SC Most interst p small The two models are hardly difer Small # edges around the circle absent in the orignal model
Two versions of the small-world model.
(a) In the original version of the small world model, edges are with independent probability p removed from the circle and placed between two vertices chosen uniformly at random, creating shortcuts across the circle as shown. In this example n = 24, c = 6, and p = 0.07, so that 5 out of 72 edges are “rewired” in this fashion. (b) In the second version of the model only the shortcuts are added and no edges are removed from the circle.
Fig of N-N
Degree Distribution In CM - egree of a vertex: c
# shortcut edges in the SWM For each of non-shortcut edges #: nc/2 Add a shortcut with prob. p There are npc/2 shortcuts on average ncp ends of shortcuts cpn/n = cp shortcuts end in any vertex on average s vertex Poisson distributed with a mean of cp
Total degree of a vertex: k = c+s
Putting s = k-c Fig 15.4 of N-N c=6,p=1/2 Not mimic the DD of real networks But the model does not intend to mimic that
Fig of N-N The degree distribution of the small-world model. The frequency distribution of vertex degrees in a small-world model with parameters c = 6 and p = 1/2
Clustering Coefficient
The CC is given by # of triangles and connected triples in the metwork # triangles: The circle does not change # triangles in the cicle: nc(c/2-1)/4 Some new triangles by the shortcuts: Vertex pairs c/2+1 to c by one or more paths of length two - if by shortcuts also - triangles
# of such paths of length two n
average #of shortcuts in the SWM: ncp/2 C(n,2):n(n-1)/2 places they can fall any particular pair of vertices is connected with prob: just cp/n whn n , # paths of length two compleated by shortcuts to form trianges n x cp/n = cp – constant For large network size they can be neglected compaird to triangles from CM – O(n)
triangles can be formed from two or three shortcuts
Those turn out to be neglegible in number Leading order in n # of triangles in the SWM - # of triangles in the CM = (nc)(c/2-1)/4
# of connected triples:
All connected triples in the CM present in SWM nc(c-1)/2 Triples from shortcuts combining with an edge in the circle average # shortcuts: ncp/2 , c edges – they can form a triple – each of two ends Total: (ncp/2) x c x 2 = nc2p: - connected triples
triples by pairs of shortcuts:
If a vertex connected to m shortcuts # triples of shortcuts: C(m,2) = m(m-1)/2 averaging over Poisson distribution of m With a mean cp expected # of conected triples centered at a vertex: c2p2/2 total of nc2p2/2 for all vertices Expected # of triples of all kind: nc(c-1)/2 + nc2p + nc2p2/2
Substituting into clustering eq
for p=0, same as for the CM as p increases - becomes smaller when p=1 – minimum value of : (3/4)(c-2)/(4c-1) e.g., when c=6 CC: 3/23 = 0.130
Contrast with original WS-SWM
edges are removed from the circle CC 0 as n when p=1 Since the network – RG Fig 15.5 of N-N shows CC as a function of p for SWM, for c=6
Clustering coefficient and average path length in the small-world model.
The solid line shows the clustering coefficient, Eq. (15.7), for a small-world model with c = 6 and n = 600, as a fraction of its maximum value ,CCmax:0.6, plotted as a function of the parameter p. The dashed line shows the average geodesic distance between vertices for the same model as a fraction of its maximum value ℓmax = n/2c = 50, calculated from the mean-field solution, Eq. (15.14). Note that the horizontal axis is logarithmic.
Fig of N-N
Average Path Lengths Calculating the average path length or mean geodesic path distances between pairs of vetrices in SWM - harder than DD or CC No exact expression Some approximate expressins by simulations – reasonaby accurate
Known about path lenghts
How they scale with model parameters Simple SWM with c=2: each vertex is connected to its immediate neighbors Argument: distane covered by an edge – one unit: meter What other quantities in terms of – length distance around the whole cicle :n
Mean distance between the ends of the shortcuts
suppose s shortcuts – 2s ends s= ncp/2 average distance between end around the circle: =n/2s Once specifiy n and - specify the entire model from n, to s to p, when c=2
Ratio of l to n l: average shortest path as function of n and - specify the model ratio of two distances - dimensionless one such dimensionless combination n/ F(x) does not depends on any of the parameters – universal function in scaling Hence mean geodesic path in SWM wih c=2
For larger c c lenghts of shortest paths (SP)between vertices Keep everything the same – n, s s from 2 to 4 halve SPs If the SP includes a shortcuts – distance does not change If density of shortcuts low – most paths are on ciicles For c length of the path by c/2 For low densty of shortcuts
Alternatively s = npc/2 l= 2(n/c)F(npc) Absorbing the leading factor of 2 into the functional form definng f(x)= 2F(x) l= (n/c)f(npc) How average path lengh depends on parameters n,p,c for low values of shortcut density
We do not know the form fo f(x)
Numerical simulation generate SW metworks measure mean distance l – between vertices Many runs with different parameters the combination cl/n same function of npc Fig 15.6 of N-N Many networks – all roughly the same function
Scaling function for the small-world model.
The points show numerical results for cℓ/n as a function of ncp for the small-world model with a range of parameter values n = 128 to and p = 1 × 10−6 to 3 × 10−2, and two different values of c as marked. Each point is averaged over 1000 networks with the same parameter values. The points collapse, to a reasonable approximation, onto a single scaling function ƒ(ncp) in agreement with Eq. (15.13). The dashed curve is the mean-field approximation to the scaling function given in Eq. (15.14)
Fig of N-N
Another approach Calculate f(x) approximately
Series, distributional or mean-field methods A mean field approximation : becomes exact when # shortcuts is very small or very large In between around x=1 – approximate Show as the dashed line in Fig 15.6 of N-N agrees well with numerical resutls at the ends less in the middle Enough to prove that SWM expalins SW effect
for large velues of x: x >>1 – npc >>1
npc : 2 x # of shortcuts average of l logarithmically with n – very slowly for fixed p and c n very large average l: remains small SW effect
# shortcuts not (# shortcuts per vertex) large
small density of random shortcutrs to a large networks – SW behavior Why most real networks show SW effects Have long range connections with some randomness Very few are regular or with short range connctions
SWM shows not only SW effect but displaying clustering # shortcuts = npc/2 when n holding p and c fixed CC independent of n retains (non-zere) as n In this limit - simultaneously non-zere clustering and SW effect The two are not with odds with one antoher
Fig 15.5 of N-N plot of approximate values of l s a function of p for a SWM n=600,c=6 Along with CC substantial values of p the value of l is low the value of CC is high
Clustering coefficient and average path length in the small-world model.
The solid line shows the clustering coefficient, Eq. (15.7), for a small-world model with c = 6 and n = 600, as a fraction of its maximum value ,CCmax:0.6, plotted as a function of the parameter p. The dashed line shows the average geodesic distance between vertices for the same model as a fraction of its maximum value ℓmax = n/2c = 50, calculated from the mean-field solution, Eq. (15.14). Note that the horizontal axis is logarithmic. 45
Fig of N-N 46
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