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This term we have been learning about the Stone Age

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1 This term we have been learning about the Stone Age

2 In groups we decided what we wanted to find out.
We made mind maps to record our questions and ideas. This is a picture of our planning board.

3 We called our topic Yabba Dabba Doo and our question is:
What was life really like in Prehistoric Britain and how did they survive?

4 We researched our topic and made a word bank of things to do with prehistoric times and created Wordles

5 In literacy we are studying Stone Age Boy and using it to stimulate our writing.
We made predictions about the characters feelings and motives. We imagined that we were Oogo and wrote a diary about his feelings. We had a debate to decide whether it would be fun or difficult to live in the Stone Age.

6 In Maths we challenge ourselves with our Amazing, Fantastic and Incredible Challenges.
We keep active with Maths of the Day and our Maths of the Day mascot watches us working hard. Each week the person who is the maths champion gets to take the maths mascot home with them.

7 Last week we were all very active.
We took part in the Greater Manchester Pedometer Challenge.

8 We have enjoyed making Stone Age necklaces out of clay.
We have also created woolly mammoths using a range of materials. We researched cave drawings and tried to make some of our own. We have also displayed some of our cave drawings in our Porthole to the past.

9 Each day our Spanish Ambassadors update El Calendario.
To help us learn the days of the week and the months of the year. Juan Pequeño helps us to practice our Spanish colours and performs magic tricks!

10 We have also learnt about a Spanish artist called Picasso.
We made our own portraits in the style of Picasso and displayed them in our workshop. Next Friday we are having a Spanish International Day. It will include tasting Spanish Food and making Spanish flag biscuits.

11 Our topic in Science is called Rock Stars, we are learning about rocks & fossils.
Last week we were exploring different types of rocks and how they were formed. We used chocolate to help us understand igneous, sedimentary & metamorphic rock. In groups we sorted and grouped the rocks.

12 Thank you for Listening!

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