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Warm up In your own words describe what you think electricity is.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up In your own words describe what you think electricity is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up In your own words describe what you think electricity is.
How would your life be different if you didn’t have it so easily available?

2 Electricity What is a Circuit?

3 What is Electricity? Electricity usually refers to the flow of something called electric current in wires, motors, light bulbs, and other devices. What do you usually find inside electrical devises

4 What is an electrical circuit?
The path or structure that electricity flows through is called an electrical circuit. A complete path is needed for electricity to work.

5 How can we control electricity?
Switches can be used to either brake or connect the circuit path. If the switch is on the path is complete or closed. If the switch is off the path is broken or open.



8 How are circuits constructed?
Drawings called circuit diagrams, are used to design and build circuits. In a circuit diagram each electrical part is represented by using a standard symbol called an electrical symbol.


10 “Real life” Example

11 The End of Today's Notes

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