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AKS 38 Developing National Identities

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1 AKS 38 Developing National Identities

2 Question # 1: What was the dominant political party following Reconstruction in the South and why was the South nicknamed the “Solid South?”

3 Answer to Question # 1: Democratic Party
The Democrats dominated politics in the South from 1870s – 1960s.

4 Question # 2: Why was the time period following Reconstruction nicknamed the “Redemptive Era” in Georgia?

5 Answer to Question # 2: - Southern White Democrats look to limit the power of poor blacks and whites to get “redemption” for loosing the Civil War and having to change the ways of the “Old South.”

6 Question # 3: What was the Bourbon Triumvirate?

7 Answer to Question # 3: They were 3 white Democratic Governors who helped with economic improvements, but they largely ignored the needs of poor whites and blacks

8 Question # 4: Which three governors made up the Bourbon Triumvirate and what was each able to accomplish as governor?

9 Answer to Question # 4: Joseph Brown: Was 1st of the governors who supported radical reconstruction Alfred Colquitt: Reduced state debt; new state constitution 1877 John Gordon: Reduced state debt; brought new industry to state

10 Question # 5: What was the Convict Lease System? Why was it viewed as an unjust system?

11 Answer to Question # 5: They falsely arrested able-bodied black males and forced them into hard labor prison camps. The convict lease labor reduced the number of jobs available, which resulted in an increase in the number of unemployed among the poorest economic classes.

12 Question # 6: Who was Rebecca Latimer Felton? What were the main injustices she spoke out against?

13 Answer to Question # 6: She supported the suffrage movement, the temperance movement and educational reforms. She spoke out against the Convict Lease System

14 Question # 7: How was Rebecca L. Felton able to gain so much public support for the issues she fought?

15 Answer to Question # 7: - Gained support by using her newspaper she and her husband owned

16 Question # 8: Who coined the term the “New South?” What was the meaning and intentions of the phrase the “New South?”

17 Answer to Question # 8: Henry Grady
That the South needs to become more industrialized to compete with the northern states and to become more self-sufficient

18 Question # 9: What was the International Cotton Exposition? How did this event impact the development of Georgia?

19 Answer to Question # 9: To showcase the new industries of the “New South” Northern states invested in southern industries

20 Question # 10: Who pushed for the passage of the Rural Free Delivery Bill? What did this people do for citizens of Georgia?

21 Answer to Question # 10: Tom Watson
It brought mail to rural Southern farmers

22 Question # 11: Who was a leader in the Populist Party? Who were generally members of this political party?

23 Answer to Question # 11: Tom Watson Poor rural white and black farmers

24 Question # 12: What were some of the main issues supported by the Populist Party?

25 Answer to Question # 12: - 8-hour workday. - Graduated income tax. - Australian (private) ballot.

26 Question # 13: What was the temperance movement? Describe the constitutional amendment that supports this movement:

27 Answer to Question # 13: The social movement to ban the distribution and consumption of alcohol 18th Amendment (Prohibition Amendment)

28 Question # 14: What was the suffrage movement? Describe the constitutional amendment that supports this movement:

29 Answer to Question # 14: A movement in which women banned together to gain the right to vote 19th Amendment (1920s)

30 Question # 15: What fueled the Atlanta Riot of 1906? What was one positive outcome that developed at the conclusion of this event?

31 Answer to Question # 15: Disenfranchisement laws against blacks, competition for jobs and whites falsely accusing black men of assaulting white women. The Atlanta riots led to the rise of the NAACP in 1909.

32 Question # 16: Why act created the county unit system? Describe what the county unit system attempted to do (hint: include gerrymandering)?

33 Answer to Question # 16: The Neill-Primary Act
To give more power in terms of voting to white dominated rural counties, to limit the influence of African Americans’ votes.

34 Question # 17: What court case justified segregation as constitutional? What was the explanation given by to the Supreme Court to justify segregation?

35 Answer to Question # 17: Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
That it was constitutional to have separate facilities for whites and blacks as long as they were “equal”

36 Question # 18: What were the Jim Crow Laws? How did it impact the South?

37 Answer to Question # 18: They were laws that segregated public facilities throughout the South and violated African Americans’ civil liberties

38 Question # 19: What is disenfranchisement? Describe the 4 major laws passed the looked to disenfranchise African Americans around the turn of the 20th century:

39 Answer to Question # 19: Limiting the voting rights of an individual or group 4 major laws passed: Poll tax: requires an individual to pay a tax in order to vote The white primary: Did not allow blacks to vote in primary elections. Literacy Test: Had to pass a written test to vote (many poor blacks were illiterate) The Grandfather Clause: Could only vote if your father or grandfather voted in 1867 (two years after blacks were granted the right to vote)

40 Question # 20: Describe the impact that Booker T. Washington had to try and end segregation:

41 Answer to Question # 20: He was the president of Tuskegee institute and believed that economic independence was the way to social and political equality.

42 Question # 21: Describe the impact that WEB DuBois had to try and end segregation:

43 Answer to Question # 21: - He developed the concept of the “Talented Tenth” and believed that equality was deserved and should be given immediately.

44 Question # 22: Describe the impact that John and Lugenia Burns Hope had to try and end segregation:

45 Answer to Question # 22: - Known for their work with the YMCA

46 Question # 23: Describe the impact that Alonzo Herndon had to try and end segregation:

47 Answer to Question # 23: - He owned the Atlanta Mutual Insurance Company and became one of the richest black men in the nation.

48 Short Answer Written Response:
Describe the Leo Frank Case. State who was involved, what the case was about, what the outcome of the case included, and the main impact of the case on Georgia.

49 Short Answer Written Response Example:
- Leo Frank was charged and found guilty for the rape and kidnapping of Mary Phagan, a 13 year old girl. He was a supervisor at a pencil factory and was the last witness to admit to seeing Mary before her disappearance. A janitor by the name of Jim Conley was the main witness who testified against Frank. Conley said that Frank threatened his job if he did not help him dispose of the body. He also said the Frank was a womanizer and he often served as a lookout for him. Frank was charged with the crime and sentenced to death. The governor of Georgia overturned the sentencing and gave Frank life in prison. Frank being Jewish, was persecuted by the white supremacists of the area. Upset by the Governor’s decision, an angry white mob took Frank from prison and lynched him in Marietta. In the 1980’s new DNA evidence determined the Conley, not Frank, was in fact the killer. Frank was publically exonerated, but it was too little to late.

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