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Exploring Alternatives to GPS Navigation Systems

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1 Exploring Alternatives to GPS Navigation Systems
ECE 791 Oral Proposal Project Team: Paul Galvin and Shaun McCarthy Faculty Advisor: Professor Kent A. Chamberlin Courses Involved: CS 410, ECE 602, ECE 634, ECE 704, ECE714, ECE 757 Current Date: October 2012 Panned Finish Date: May 2012

2 Topics Why is this Important? General Problem Definition
Design Objectives System Configurations Map Matching Testing Project Timeline Budget

3 Why is this Important? Since the United States government first allowed access to their GPS satellites in 2000 the market for GPS devices has boomed In 2010 there were million GPS (20.21 million automobile specific) units sold to consumers and (4.828 million ground transportation specific) million were sold for commercial users From 2005 to 2010 the total market for GPS devices has risen 75% In an industry survey sent out to commercial users in % of users said it would be extremely difficult or impossible to revert to prior methods in the events of a long term GPS signal disruption

4 Why is this Important? (cont.)
100% GPS disruption would cost the U.S. economy $96 billion per year Causes of GPS Disruption Short Team GPS Masking GPS Jamming Long Term Space Weather Satellite Collisions

5 General Problem Definition
To design, build, program and compare three different navigation system approaches: Navigation System using GPS Navigation System using Inertial Sensors Navigation System Integrating GPS and Inertial Sensors To determine the practicality of using inertial sensors to augment GPS when there are disruptions in GPS service

6 Design Objectives Design and implement a navigation system using a signal from a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver as its only input Design and implement a navigation system that has inertial measurements taken from a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, and 3-axis magnetometer as its only input Integrate the inertial sensors and GPS receiver into a single navigation system that will sustain an accurate position estimate when the GPS signal is disrupted for a short period of time Assess the accuracy of each navigation system by storing the position data for each device’s trial runs and comparing the results

7 Navigation System Using Only a GPS Receiver
Features Asynchronous communication between GPS receiver and Arduino Leonardo microcontroller Receiver sends the standard NMEA0183 messages GGA (Global Positioning System Fix Data ) RMC (Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data ) GSV (GNSS Satellites in View) GSA (DOP and Active Satellites )

8 Navigation System Using Only a Inertial Sensors Receiver
Features Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) 3-axis Accelerometer 3-axis Gyroscope 3-axis Magnetometer Kalman Filtering Weighted average of measurements and predictions

9 Navigation System Integrating GPS and Inertial Sensors
Features Coordinate Conversion Converts meters traveled south to north into a change in latitude Converts meters traveled west into east into a change in longitude Extended Kalman Filtering Model measurements and predictions with a Gaussian distribution

10 Map Matching Destination Algorithm Previous Position Algorithm
Two assumptions The true path to a destination tends to be direct rather than round about Drivers tend to follow the speed constraints on a road Previous Position Algorithm Matches the previous positions to the path of a road

11 Testing Each approach will be compared to its counterparts and also compared to the true driven route using mapping software Comparison Conditions Same weather conditions Successive system tests Same driver Recorder A recorder will be in the vehicle to take detailed notes of any significant vehicle maneuvers and the time in which they occur

12 Project Timeline

13 Budget Product Quantity Price Arduino Leonardo 1 $24.95
Fastrax UP501 GPS Receiver $49.95 9-Degrees-of-Freedom – Razor IMU $124.95 Breadboard Clear Self-Adhesive $5.95 USB High-Speed 7 Port Hub with AC Adapter (Silver) $4.42 eForCity 12V DC to 110V AC Power Adapter Inverter for a Car Outlet $3.99 Raspberry Pi Computer $0.00 Total $214.21

14 Questions

15 Sources Pham, Nam D.. "The Economic Benefits of Commercial GPS Use in the U.S. and Costs of Potential Disruption ." ndp Consulting, Web. 15 Oct < NASA . Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will cause devastation The Telegraph, London. Web. 21 Oct < space/ /Nasa-warns-solar-flares-from-huge-space-storm-will-cause-devastation.html>. Thieves Lean How to Use GPS Jammers WordPressWeb. 21 October < Fischer, John. Navigating with more than just GPS Auto ElectronicsWeb October < navigating-with-more-than-just-gps-0517/>. Lee, Kamen. Cheap GPS Word PressWeb. 30 Oct <

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