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Chs independent reading initiative

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1 Chs independent reading initiative

2 Independent reading & Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader is a computerized program that helps teachers manage and monitor student's independent reading practice. The Accelerated Reader website for CHS:   or

3 What’s happening during independent reading?
Will occur each day during the first 25 minutes of 5th period beginning the first day of school through the 180th day of school.

4 Media Specialist/media clerk
Students  Teachers  Administrators/  Academic Coaches  Media Specialist/media clerk  Reading,  or  Taking AR quizzes,  Conferencing with the teacher  *All students should remain in class during the 25 minute independent reading.  Monitoring students as they  read and take quizzes,   Conferencing with students about AR results,  Checking AR folders for students' reading progress.  * Conferences about the student’s progress on AR should be documented on the student’s reading log.  *The teacher should allow time to conference with each student at least once per month.  Example 1 Week of September 3 plan to conference with five to six students per day.   Monitoring hallways and classrooms to ensure students and staff are participating in independent reading.  Book checkouts based on students' ZPD  Running AR reports 

5 What’s happening during independent reading?
Ar folders include: Quizzes Once students have passed (80% or better) 10 quizzes move students to the next level. Incentives will be provided to the students who meet their individual goals. or select a box of several different novels of various reading levels. Once the class completes a book, each student should take an AR quiz.  Student barcode label on inside pocket to protect it from peeling Students ZPD label 2 copies of reading log (front and back) Students are expected to bring their AR folder to class each day.

6 If a student meets their individual goal each nine weeks by passing (80%) at least four different AR quizzes, he or she will be invited to the LIT (LITeracy ) AR Event. The 1st nine weeks students will need to pass (80%) at least 2 AR quizzes. 1st nine weeks Lit Event – doughnuts and juice 2nd nine weeks Lit Event –chips, sips, and games (chips, soda, and board games) 3rd nine weeks Lit Event -- popcorn and a movie (1.5 hour class period) 4th nine weeks Lit Event – water party (1.5 hour class period)                                                      If students have been invited to four L.I.T. events they will be recognized and grade level awards ceremony with a certificate and AR pin. Seniors will receive AR medals. Other incentives: The top student in each grade will recognized at the grade level End-of-Year awards and will be given a $25 visa gift card. incentives


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