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Clouds and Precipitation

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Presentation on theme: "Clouds and Precipitation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clouds and Precipitation
TN STANDARD: Analyze and interpret data from weather conditions, Weather maps, satellite, and radar to predict probable Local weather patterns and conditions.

2 Clouds A cloud is a collection of millions of tiny water droplets or ice crystals. Clouds form as warm air rises and cools. When the air is saturated, the water vapor changes to a liquid or a solid, depending on the air temperature. At temperatures above freezing, water vapor condenses on small particles in the air and forms tiny water droplets. At temperatures below freezing, water vapor changes to a solid to form ice crystals.

3 Three main types of clouds
Compare and contrast these clouds with your neighbor!

4 Cumulus Clouds Puffy, white clouds that tend to have flat bottoms are called cumulus clouds.. Cumulus clouds form when warm air rises. These clouds generally indicate fair weather. If these clouds get larger, they produce thunderstorms from a kind of cumulus cloud called a cumulonimbus cloud.

5 Cumulus Sketch an Example & Label it in your notes!

6 Stratus Clouds Clouds called stratus clouds are clouds that form in layers. Stratus clouds cover large areas of the sky and often block out the sun. Nimbostratus clouds are dark stratus clouds that usually produce light to heavy, continuous rain. Fog is a stratus cloud that has formed near the ground.

7 Stratus Sketch and label an example in your notes!

8 Cirrus Clouds Cirrus clouds are thin, feathery, white clouds found at high altitudes. Cirrus clouds form when the wind is strong. If they get thicker, cirrus clouds indicate that a change in the weather is coming. Cirrus clouds form from ice crystals.

9 Cirrus Sketch an example & label in your notes!

10 Clouds and Altitude Clouds are classified by the altitude/height and their shape/form. The prefix cirro- is used to describe clouds that form at high altitudes. For example, a cumulus cloud that forms high in the atmosphere is called a cirrocumulus cloud. The prefix alto- describes clouds that form at middle altitudes. Clouds that form at low altitudes do not have a specific prefix to describe them.

11 High clouds - cirro Middle clouds - alto Stratocumulus Cumulonimbus
Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus Cirrus Middle clouds - alto Altostratus Altocumulus Cumulonimbus Cumulus Stratocumulus Nimbostratus Stratus

12 Nimbostratus or Cumulonimbus

13 Pop Cloud Quiz! On notebook paper, identify each type of cloud: 1..
2.. 3. 4. 5.

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