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Feedback from the PEG to support commissioning intentions July 2018

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1 Feedback from the PEG to support commissioning intentions July 2018

2 What services do we like?
St Georges Liaison officer for people with visual impairment Value all learning disability colleagues across health and social care Brilliant LD liaison nurses at St Georges – not funded by Merton CCG Blood test service across Merton Moorfields, x-rays closer to home, nelson – providing services closer to home. Special needs community dentists – Morden Hall Civic Centre Advice from pharmacists – enhanced services

3 What services do we like?
OT only accessed through special schools works well (Needs improvement) “Gastro” at St Georges very good nurse practioners Sleep Apnoea Service works well - “St Georges” Digital prescription service Annual Health checks for those with LD adults Good LTC condition care in GPs More support to tackle smoking Red bags in hospitals for nursing home patients Nurse practioners make a difference.

4 What does not work? Communication between agencies not working
A&E overwhelmed by service users GP hubs – could work better Social care joined up with NHS - not fully Not enough beds – for the population Access to information Accessible information standard Physio no long term plan for LD & PD – not equipped with specialist staff Mental health care within GPs varies – appointments & care Diagnostic pathway for CAMHS Learning on expanding knowledge of CD and PD

5 What does not work? OT – Physio: SALT; Recruitment & retention at staff (Children) Access to Paediatrics Variance in NHS estate across SW London Incontinence Service Shortage of CPNs in local area Referrals & PTT not working and consistent “choice not accessible” Patient transport experience varies GP access still a concern: reserves; doctors and nurses. LAS – not enough resources across SWL.

6 Question 1: What is it about current services that you value?
Specialist GPS and Practices Social Prescribing Social prescribing practitioners attached to practices. Navigators link up with other organisations in borough. Tackling wellbeing. Access to Phlebotomy – frequently needed diagnostic – need more. Advantage of Phlebotomy in own surgery is immediate access to records/knowledge. CCGs promotion of Patient Engagement Specialist appointments nearer to home (in own practice) Need more promotion of Out Of Hours Needs to be advertised more. Clarity / Communication (What is missing on communication?)

7 Question 1: What is it about current services that you value?
Letters / texts / - how to advise appointments, etc. Mental Health Carers Support (Now Mental Health in PC of new services very helpful – good engagement) Very valuable that people have a chance to influence local services SWLWTG engaging well with carer Looking to relaunch triangle of care programme Raising awareness with carers. SWLSTG – new strategy for quality services GPs relaying results over phone saving valuable time Good use of people’s time/GPs time Relationship with own GP.

8 Question 1: What is it about current services that you value?
HARI Dementia Specialist Clinic – Francis Grove (Invited to go to clinic to talk to specialists) Memory the Nelson – promote involvement of carers. Dementia Hub – specialists able to diagnose. Carers Awareness Training – practices inviting carers for training. Practices opening doors for bereavement services – not a GP service – Cohesive working.

9 Question 2 What needs to improve?
PPGs No buy in / lack of response Fear of time consuming Comms where English is not the first language Difficulty in understanding accents. Need interpretation services / leaflets in different languages. Not everyone aware of Interpretation Services – needs to be promoted more / better access to Interpretation Services.

10 Question 2 What needs to improve?
Wasted visit to practice - more than one trip to practice to get results etc. – Waste of time of patient and GP. Calling patients – some patient unable to hear screens; some partially sighted. MIAPT – problems Appointments – same day / need to phone on day – call back in advance. Access to GP appointments barriers to carers.

11 Positives Health Hubs Social Prescribing Community Engagement

12 Negatives MIAPT PPG Access to appointments

13 Themes Value Improve Better care closer to home Pharmacists }
Nelson } Specialists Comm } Specialist liaison: e.g. LD. Nurse Practitioners OOH Access Social Prescribing – GP knowledge Community Engagement Access Better communication and collaboration Knowledge of the system Health & Social Care joint working Informed choice Access GPs – Appointments Long Term therapy support – Physio, etc. MIAPT PPG not working Signposting

14 What could improve? e.g. SALT only for pre-school CAMHS Access
Person-centred Approach Understand Needs Flex input What could improve? Signposting Access to diagnostic pathways Access to sexual health EHCP Involvement Implementation Engagement w. process Don’t target too much Doesn’t meet children’s needs Access to therapies Recruitment to key staff Pharmacists having access to the right medications Making appointments Pre-book Immediate Access for No more on the day phone calls Continuity of Care Between Professionals Communication Public More than one issue More time in GP consultations Collaboration Family Prof Provider

15 What do you value? Quick access when needed Social interconnected
Involvement in Dementia Alliance Community Dentists Social interconnected Quick access when needed Access to different services in the workplace Support for carers Inpatient experience, food, etc. Good care by Drs/Nurses, etc. SALT Physio OT Therapies & support in the community Within GPs Blood tests Nurses Access specialist outside of hospital Continuity of Care Local Pharmacies Building Relationships Sites for appointments Choice of GP Out of Hours Hubs GPs know who can help you Health Services Social Presc Spread Description of who commissions what A

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