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European Standards for Criminal Justice: AGIS project (European Sourcebook) Prepared by the European Sourcebook Experts‘ Group

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1 European Standards for Criminal Justice: AGIS project (European Sourcebook)
Prepared by the European Sourcebook Experts‘ Group

2 The European Sourcebook so far…
Pilot Edition in 1995 First Edition in 1999 (CoE) Second & third editions in 2003 and 2006 All editions limited to common offences (homicide, assault, rape, robbery, theft, burglary, vehicle theft, drug offences) AGIS project: extension to new offences

3 The ESB: who is this? Martin KILLIAS, University of Zürich, Switzerland (chairman of the group) Jörg-Martin JEHLE, University of Göttingen, Germany (beneficiary of the grant agreement) Marcelo AEBI, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, and University of Lausanne, Switzerland Bruno AUBUSSON DE CAVARLAY, CESDIP-CNRS, Ministère de la Justice, Guyancourt, France Gordon BARCLAY, Home Office, London, United Kingdom Beata GRUSZCZYNSKA, University of Warsaw, Poland Stefan HARRENDORF, University of Göttingen, Germany Markku HEISKANEN, HEUNI, Helsinki, Finland Vasilika HYSI, University of Tirana, Albania Veronique JAQUIER, University of Lausanne, Switzerland Olena SHOSTKO, Yaroslav Mudry National Law Academy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Paul SMIT, WODC, Ministry of Justice, The Hague, Netherlands Rannveig THORISDOTTIR, National Commissioner of Police, Reykjavik, Iceland The group was supported by the following observers: Cynthia TAVARES (representing EUROSTAT) Ernesto SAVONA (TRANSCRIME, Italy) Chris LEWIS (University of Portsmouth) Anna ALVAZZI DEL FRATE (UNODC CTS)

4 What‘s characteristic of the ESB?
Empirical approach to definitions: no analytical model, but search for the smallest common denominator of existing definitions Bottom-up approach Advantage: data collection rather easy Data collection by national correspondents, but validation by regional coordinators

5 What‘s new in the ESB 2009? Six new offences included (and definitions developed to collect data) Other offences reshaped Prosecution: data on pretrial detention Courts: data on community sanctions Juvenile justice

6 The new offences (1) Sexual assault: physical sexual contact with a person against her/his will (2) Sexual abuse of minor: sexual intercourse, or any other form physical sexual contact, with a person below the age of consent (3) Fraud: Deceiving someone or taking advantage of someone’s error with the intent to unlawfully gain financial benefits, thereby causing the deceived person to enter any operation that will be damaging to his or a third person’s financial interests (4) Computer offences (Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems): Unauthorized entry into electronic systems (computers) or unauthorized use or manipulation of electronic systems, data or software (5) Money laundering: specific financial transactions to conceal the identity, source, and/or destination of money or non-monetary property deriving from criminal activities (6) Corruption in the public sector: offering or accepting financial or any other advantage in exchange of favourable treatment by public officials

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11 Where to go from here? AGIS has been successful in extending this data collection initiative High complexity requires more stable structure So far, group of volunteers (and pioneers) 4th edition will be a turning point

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