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Planning Directors Meeting

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1 Planning Directors Meeting
San Mateo Countywide Planning Directors Meeting August 16th , 2018 Betty Seto, Head of Department, DNV GL

2 Facilitated by County of San Mateo Office of Sustainability
Climate action planning technical assistance for all 20 cities and the County Annual greenhouse gas (GHG inventories) 2010 – 2015 Tracking of CAP implementation metrics Monthly knowledge-sharing and collaboration opportunities for City sustainability staff

3 County-level Emissions Trends: 2005-2015
This is a service EW is providing to cities. We’ve sourced, visualized and published the data for all the cities. It’s a starting point. Aggregate data about GHG emissions.

4 Community-wide GHG emissions inventories
2005 Baseline inventories completed by the County with support (ICLEI) 2010 Update completed by RICAPS for each city

5 Countywide Emissions Significantly Reduced Since 2005
Emissions in Energy, Transportation and Waste: 10.6% decrease in combined emissions since 2005 Waste Disposal Landfills -33% -13% State Highways -3% Local Roads -10% Commercial / Industrial Energy -15% Sectors not included in this graph because 2005 data not available: Stationary sources, off-road equipment, trains, wastewater treatment, and water Residential Energy -20%

6 San Mateo County Overall Emissions & Consumption Trends

7 San Mateo County Electricity Consumption by Sector: 2005 - 2015
7.8% decrease in total electricity Commercial/Industrial 8.1% decrease in commercial/ industrial electricity Residential 7.3% decrease in residential electricity

8 PG&E Electricity Emission Factor: 2005 - 2018
40% decrease in emission factor from  2016 Additional 30% decrease due to PCE

9 San Mateo County Electricity Emissions by Sector: 2005 - 2015
Commercial/Industrial 23% decrease in total electricity emissions Residential

10 San Mateo County Natural Gas Emissions by Sector: 2005 - 2015
13% decrease in combined natural gas use Commercial/Industrial 6% decrease in commercial/industrial gas use Residential 19% decrease in residential gas use

11 San Mateo County Trends in On-road Transportation: 2005-2015
VMT = 3.8% Increase On-road Emissions = 5.1% Decrease Emissions/1000 miles = 8.6% Decrease

12 San Mateo County Water Consumption: 2010-2015
16% decrease in water consumption since 2010

13 Per Person Water Use in BAWSCA Service Area has Decreased
BAWSCA Residential Per Capita Water Use – 1975 to 2015 Peak: gpcd FY : 55.9 gpcd Residential per capita water use was 49% lower in FY than at the peak in FY

14 San Mateo County Waste Disposal and Alternative Daily Cover: 2005-2015
17% decrease in total waste tonnage 22% increase in ADC ADC Waste Disposal 23% decrease in waste disposal

15 Historic Emissions vs. Target Emissions Reduction Path
MT CO2e 2015 Emissions: 5,335,100 MT CO2e ADC Waste Disposal 15% below 2005 emissions by 2020: 5,093,600 MT CO2e

16 CAP Implementation Metrics
Open Data Portal CAP Implementation Metrics This is a service EW is providing to cities. We’ve sourced, visualized and published the data for all the cities. It’s a starting point. Aggregate data about GHG emissions.

17 Cumulative Solar Capacity Installed by Sector: 2002 - 2018

18 San Mateo County Electric Vehicle Registration Data (DMV)
Total registered vehicles = ~700,000 About 2% of vehicles are plug-in electric

19 San Mateo County: New Vehicle Purchases
Source: CEC Staff Report - California Plug-In Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Projections

20 SMC Energy and Water Strategy 2025 Update
Kim Springer (SMC) and DNV GL SMC Energy and Water Strategy 2025 Update

21 Guiding Principles Energy and Water supply in San Mateo County will be: Sustainable the lowest possible carbon footprint for delivered and consumed energy and water Equitable the energy and water is provided equally, regardless of socioeconomic or other status Abundant water and energy is available at a capacity to serve current and future needs Reliable energy and water is there when you go to use it Resilient energy and water is there when you go to use it, even if it isn’t somewhere else Affordable at a cost that is competitive or economically stable Safe not a hazard, cybersecure, safe to consume, for utility workers, and others

22 Circles of Stakeholders
Resource Management and Climate Protection Committee (RMCP) Energy and Water Working Groups City Staff, Additional Energy and Water Stakeholders Review and Comment

23 Energy and Water Strategy 2025 Vision
Leverages the experience and knowledge of stakeholders Useful document that cities and elected officials can reference Sets reaching yet realistic goals - adoptable Considers or meets guiding principles Helps guide stakeholders across San Mateo County forward Target schedule: Draft 2025 Strategy by December 2018

24 THANK YOU! Betty Seto Head of Department 510-891-0446

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