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Increased Access to Quality ECE Performance Measures

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1 Increased Access to Quality ECE Performance Measures
Retained/ Increased ECE Access Increased Facilities Funds Increased Quality Funds % of Teachers With Improved Practice Janis Reminder: strategies will help us turn that curve: these programs selected because represent research that these strategies help us move the needle on school readiness. Using best practices and what we have already built here in Alameda County we developed a School Readiness Strategy that touches on three main strategies. Home Visiting, Help Me Grow and Quality Child Care. Birth to 8 has struggled with how to add early childhood mental health and family engagement and leadership as strategies. Do we ensure they are incorporated into all of the first three or do they merit their own strategy? We have recently concluded that in order to prioritize them, they need to live in their own strategies. We have had turn the curve discussions about both of these strategies in the past but we look forward to cementing them this year. % of Steering Committee Members Who Increase ECE System Understanding % of LPC Members Who Take Action

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