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BRAND SOUTH AFRICA Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa – harming or promoting the conservation image of the country?

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Presentation on theme: "BRAND SOUTH AFRICA Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa – harming or promoting the conservation image of the country?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BRAND SOUTH AFRICA Captive lion breeding for hunting in South Africa – harming or promoting the conservation image of the country?

2 Global reputation indicators
A consistent feature of South Africa’s global reputation remains its Natural Beauty and Tourism industry The Nation Brand Index shows that of all the features of the country, South Africa’s Natural Beauty remains consistently strong Natural assets therefore play a major role in increasing awareness & enhancing reputation internationally Captive lion breeding & hunting, Rhino poaching pose reputational challenges Need to consider the implications and possible reputation enhancement from responsible management of these resources, and to take a leading position on such conservation issues in the international conservation space

3 South Africa’s Performance on the Nation Brand Index
Brand Reputation: International Perceptions South Africa’s Performance on the Nation Brand Index Investment Potential and attractiveness to outsiders Investment & immigration Tourism Exports Level of satisfaction with country’s products and services Potential attractiveness and economical contribution Governance People Competency fair governance, human rights, international contribution Skills and openness Culture and Heritage Commercial and cultural products and sporting prowess Source: Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brand Index 3

4 Investment & Immigration
How South Africa ranks overall on the six pillars the NBI (2015) Work & Life 38 Quality of Life 40 Educational Qualifications 35 Invest in Business Equality in Society Investment & Immigration 39 Visit if money is no object 38 Natural Beauty 18 Historic Buildings 42 Vibrant City 39 Science & Technology 35 Buy Products Place 36 Tourism 36 Exports 36 38/50 Competent & Honest 38 Rights & Fairness 41 Peace & Security Environment 35 Poverty 43 Governance 39 People 36 Welcoming 36 Close Friend 31 Employability 32 Culture 30 Sports 16 Cultural Heritage 36 Contemporary Culture 35

5 Investment & Immigration
How South Africa ranks overall on the six pillars the NBI (2016) Work & Life 35 Quality of Life 38 Educational Qualifications 34 Invest in Business 36 Equality in Society 37 Investment & Immigration Visit if money is no object 38 Natural Beauty 21 Historic Buildings 43 Vibrant City Tourism Exports Science & Technology 35 Buy Products 34 Place 36 36 36 36 Competent & Honest 38 Rights & Fairness Peace & Security 34 Environment 29 Poverty Governance People Welcoming 33 Close Friend 32 Employability 35/50 Culture 37 33 30 Sports 16 Cultural Heritage 35 Contemporary Culture 37

6 Investment & Immigration
How South Africa ranks overall on the six pillars the NBI (2017) Work & Life 36 Quality of Life 40 Educational Qualifications Invest in Business 38 Equality in Society 39 Investment & Immigration Visit if money is no object 38 Natural Beauty 22 Historic Buildings 44 Vibrant City 40 Tourism Exports Science & Technology 39 Buy Products 36 Place 37 37 39 38 Competent & Honest 39 Rights & Fairness 40 Peace & Security 37 Environment 33 Poverty 42 Governance People Welcoming 36 Close Friend 34 Employability 38/50 Culture 39 36 32 Sports 16 Cultural Heritage 39 Contemporary Culture 37

7 Global reputation indicators
Damage to the Nation Brand 10 International Campaigns and NGOs focussed exclusively on stopping canned lion hunting and captive breeding. 62 Global Marches held in major international cities since 2014. At least 18 online petitions targeting at canned lion hunting, captive breeding and/or the lion bone trade – the largest of which has so far attracted over 1.8m signatures. 42 major international airlines refusing the cargo of lion trophies since August 2015 (4 Countries with Trophy Import Bans and/or Restrictions, namely the Netherlands, Australia, France and the US. The United Kingdom and European Union also placed restrictions and expressed its distaste at captive lion breeding and hunting. NB these are among our largest tourism overseas source markets!

8 Global reputation Reputation issues
The above poses a huge risk for tourism growth in South Africa, as the world heads towards more and more responsible tourism and commerce practices The current practice and SA legislation is unanimously criticised at an international level, and we must ask ourselves if that is an image we want for the Nation Brand. It is important to discuss the possibility of changing legislation and ensuring sustainability Is the financial revenue from this activity worth compromising our Nation Brand reputation and position as unique wildlife destination. Provincial level issuing of hunting licences need to be done in context of national policy on sustainable management of South Africa’s wildlife

9 Global reputation Reputation issues
If so, counter negative international reporting with accurate data on SA’s integrated investment in wildlife conservation – e.g. number of national parks, impact on global conservation. But, judging by international criticism this plan is not likely to convince international stakeholders and prospective tourists. Profile how SA’s wildlife conservation makes major international contribution to biodiversity. Whilst this is a compelling story it is strongly contradicted by the practice of ‘canned hunting’. The most positive outcome from a reputation management point of view would be for South Africa to ban captive lion breeding, as well as that of other animals. Proposal: following on parliament colloquium work with stakeholders to develop communication/marketing strategy involving government and civil society

10 NBI Highlights By ranking 38/50 in 2017 the Nation Brand shows that “…South Africa’s international standing remains in good shape and continues to improve year on year.” However, the following markets are proving themselves to be South Africa’s closest competitors, being – Chile, Peru that improves ranking as well as statistical score in the study on last year to advance ahead of South Africa.

11 NBI Highlights As in previous years the Culture and People pillars support the over-all performance of South Africa in the NBI. In terms of African nations, South Africa outperforms Nigeria and Kenya with a perception score lead of 3.5 and more on all indices. Countries with the most favorable views of South Africa include: India (20/50), UK (30/50), Germany (31/50), France (32/50), Italy (33/50) and Sweden (33/50).

12 NBI Highlights Markets that show a marked improvement of opinion towards South Africa include: the USA (+4.16), Argentina (+3.66), China (+3.31) – the improved perceptions in these markets contributed directly to the over-all statistical score increase in Note as well that the movement in China is very important. Countries that remain quite critical of South Africa include: South Korea, Mexico, and Japan.

13 Prepared by Brand SA Research Contact:
Dr Petrus de Kock, GM – Research Leigh-Gail Petersen, Research Manager Readers are welcome to use the data contained in this report for their own purposes provided they acknowledge the source as: Brand South Africa, Research & Nation Brand Performance Presentation, October 2015, available at:

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