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WG C meeting Dublin, April 2013

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1 WG C meeting Dublin, April 2013
GENESIS WG C meeting Dublin, April 2013 Björn Klöve, Elena Preda, Jens Kvärner, Timo Muotka, Alexandra gemitz, Przemyslaw Wachniew and other colleagues

2 Questions from Johannes Schutten
How GENESIS can help with the GWDTE assessment: Identify GWDTE’s and understand their relationship to GW-bodies Develop appropriate TV’s for GWDTE. It would be really good if GENESIS could provide a generic approach to developing GWDTE TV’s for Member states. 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

3 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Identify GWDTE’s and understand their relationship to GW-bodies Results form GENESIS: Studies on GDE hydrogeology, hydrology, and ecology and well as work on modelling and management concepts has been carried out Development of measurement techniques to identify Contact between aquifer and GDEs Water balance in GDEs Modeling methods and approaches tested and developed Numerical, ecological, hydro-economical etc. Impact of land-use and climate change Socio-economic approaches (participatory methods) The work has developed a better conceptual understanding of GDEs and their link to aquifers (prerequisite for assessing GDE impacts) 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

4 Identification of GDE contact with aquifer
Example from Natura 2000 esker in Finland where the groundwater interaction in kettle lakes were unknown Groundwater form a fairly shallow unconfine sand glacifluvial deposit (18O useful for characterization) Example of a Natura 2000 fen in Poland where the contact to the underlying aquifer was unkonwn Old groundwater input from a deep layered and confined aquifer (Tritium useful for characterization) Coastal aquifer in Greece Stable isotpes and EC used to assess geoundwater and sea water interaction 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

5 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Results on how tracers (isotopes) can be used to understand aquifer and ecosystem interaction 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

6 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Rokua esker - Finland 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

7 GDE water balance and typology with isotopes
TYPE 1: Grroundwater flow through lake TYPE 2: Terminal lake (little direct GW inflow, but indirect effect) TYPE 3: Surface runoff and GW input 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

8 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

9 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Runoff show groundwater signal (low Tritium, high pH and conductivity) during base flow 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

10 Coastal aquifer lake/lagoon system – Greece
Time series analysis to assess contact to the aquifer Stable water isotopes as well as salinity used to show connection between river, lake, sea an aquifer 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

11 Spatial distribution of EC in groundwaters during 2010
Increased values were observed close to Neon Sidirochorion area during December and sufficiently lower values were determined for May

12 Scatter plot between d2H and d18O in the various water bodies of the study area during (a) winter 2010 (b) summer 2010

13 Greek case – conceptual model
7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

14 GDE modelling experience
Different numerical models compared to study aquifers and impacts of land use and climate chnage as well as GDEs Recharge discharge zones on aquifer scale and GDE scales Impacts of management: GDE restoration alternatives, water extraction, climate cariability 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

15 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Example Rokua, Finland 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

16 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Recharge (blue) Discharge (red) HGS model 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

17 Recharge and discharge at GDE scale – HGS simulation
7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

18 Modelled restoration impact (3 concpetual models) – MoDFLOW modelling results
Damming Of ditches Filling of ditches ”natural” state

19 Identify GWDTE’s and understand their relationship to GW-bodies
Different mehtods developed to assess aquifer and GWDTE hydraulic contact (Deliverables in WP2, WP4, WP5) Hydrologic measurements Tracers methods Modelling methods General and simple indicators developed to aquifers and GDE (D4.3) Identification and classification of GDEs (including GWDTEs) Providing conceptual model for integrated assessment of GDEs Description of key elements (interactions/ processes/ drivers) for holistic understanding of coupled GW-dependent ecological systems 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

20 Develop appropriate TV’s for GWDTE (Question 2)
TVs will not be given for member states GENESIS develop genereic methods to assess the status of GWDTE Indicators assess if impacts has occured theoretical framework test predicitve modelling framework for vulnerability assessment of GDEs. 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

21 We present methods to assess considerable impacts
Scientific approch to assess GDEs A policy breif available on this issue Papers publised on this issue where methodolopgy tested Deliverables can be used to help in this work Future integration of results will still occur Indicators developed that help in the assessment 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

22 Key elements in GDE assessment
Identification of reference state for each GDE type Identification of GW dependency patterns Identification of sensitive biological compartments/ tropho-dynamic modules Identification of boundaries between classes/ thresholds values 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

23 Assessment of ecological impact significance/scientific approach
Predictive modelling an accepted method which has been tested for GDE-springs in GENEIS* Model for fauna and flora in natural condition (E, expected) Pristine sites e.g Natura 2000 sites Observed fauna and flora (O, Observed) Sites with impact O/E ratio tells the impact, e.g. 10 % slightly modified and 25 % heavily modified This ”TV” is based on biology and not on pressures *REFERENCE: Ilmonen et al Freshwater Science, 31(2):657–667 Ilmonen et al Ecological Indicators, 30 (2013) 165–169 4/7/2019 Author/company/institute

24 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
TVs based on pressures? It is difficult to set TVs based on pressure and expected biological effect Universal TVs can not be set Depends on context (geography, geology. ecology etc.) Multiple stressors present and in complex and unknown interctions Indicator species are region specific 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

25 Paird catchment approach to assess impacts: what to compare?
Indicator species, ”Red List” species Can be difficult to use as these are rare and wary regionally The impact of pressures on “red list” species not known Species traits (life span, dispersal ability etc.) Ecosystem processes (primary productivity, decomposition transformation of chemical components, transpiration) Abiotic factors such as water quality and hydrology 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

26 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU
Summary GWDTEs across Europe comprise a broad variety of types of ecological and hydrological systems GWDTEs are highly vulnerable to hydrological changes and sometimes to nutrient changes Ecological processes and indicators should be given focus also for GWDTE ecosystems TVs may be useful for some GWDTEs, and be of less use for others. GENESIS result show that predictive work in GDEs. New GWDTE assessment tools have been worked out in GENESIS related to Hydrology, ecology, coneptuaal and numerical models 7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

27 Thank you for your attention
7 April 2019 B.Klöve/Bioforsk/UOULU

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