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A Dream Comes True.

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Presentation on theme: "A Dream Comes True."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Dream Comes True

2 We learned _______ facts about life cycles by observing how things change as they grow.
wheelchair elementary physical rigid

3 Yeah - You Got it Rght!! elementary – adjective – dealing with the simple parts or beginnings of something

4 Is that your Final Answer???

5 Doing _______ activities will help you stay in shape.
interact wheelchair elementary physical

6 physical – adjective – having to do with the body
Yeah - You Got it Rght!! physical – adjective – having to do with the body

7 Our ____ schedule did not allow us to make an unplanned stop at the new park.
elementary physical rigid interact

8 rigid – adjective – not changing; fixed
Yeah - You Got it Rght!! rigid – adjective – not changing; fixed

9 Band members walked into the audience so they could ____ with fans.
rigid interact wheelchair elementary

10 interact – verb – to act upon one another
Yeah - You Got it Rght!! interact – verb – to act upon one another

11 My grandmother needed to use a _______ after she fell and broke her hip.
physical rigid wheelchair elementary

12 Yeah - You Got it Rght!! wheelchair – noun – a chair on wheels that is used by someone who cannot walk from one place to another

13 Words are Fun See you next week

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