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MrBUMP: progress and plans

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1 MrBUMP: progress and plans
Ronan Keegan, Martyn Winn CCP4 group CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory M.D.Winn, York, March 28th 2006

2 Progress since last automation meeting
Basic scheme unchanged - consolidation and new options New techniques: Addition of SCOP domains to list of templates Multiple alignment of hits with CLUSTALW or MAFFT Addition of polyALA model to list of model generation techniques (PDBSET) Selected download of PDB files - faster Network dependence: Initial FASTA search can be done locally if program available Remaining dependence: update of search database files, download of coordinate files, download of .mmol files M.D.Winn, York, March 28th 2006

3 Progress since last automation meeting (cont)
Public beta release: 5th January 2006 compulsory dependencies: mafft/clustalw, gnuplot simple installation, including ccp4i interface several updates since then, announced via feedback: minor problems and some successes reported (how many unreported?) M.D.Winn, York, March 28th 2006

4 Progress since last automation meeting (cont)
User options: Generate search models only Display assumed spacegroup User control over: Number of clashes tolerated in Phaser Number of Refmac cycles Chain IDs to definitely include Context-dependent list of references displayed M.D.Winn, York, March 28th 2006

5 Future plans - short-term
Windows port Replace PQS with PISA: Give a list of possible multimers with scores User-specified spacegroup M.D.Winn, York, March 28th 2006

6 Future plans - long-term
Improved alignment: Multiple alignment against larger sequence database Alignment from profile-based search User-supplied alignment Complexes: Input of multiple target sequences Model generation: Identification of flexible loops Normal mode generated conformations M.D.Winn, York, March 28th 2006

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