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Learning Intention I will learn about testing programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Intention I will learn about testing programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Intention I will learn about testing programs.

2 Analysis Design Implementation Testing Documentation Evaluation

3 Testing building your interface and typing the code is not enough to prove your program works when you buy an app or a game you expect it to work you need to test your program to prove it works and has no bugs

4 Testing all software needs to be tested to make sure it works – customers expect what they buy to work! testing needs to be planned and structured

5 Testing best way to test is to calculate the expected result before you run the program you can then check that you get the result you expected

6 Testing e.g. a program for adding two numbers together Number1 Number2 Expected Actual 2 5 7 1 -10 15 7 1

7 Testing test data can be categorised as follows: Normal
Data within the expected range. Tests normal conditions. Extreme Data on the edge of the expected range. Tests limits. Exceptional Unexpected data. Data outwith allowed range.

8 Testing e.g. program which takes in test marks out of 15 Normal: 1, 3, 8, 12 (1-14) Extreme: 0, 15 Exceptional: -1, 16, [Ten,

9 Testing e.g. program which takes in player rating marks out of 100 Normal: Extreme: Exceptional: 1, 22, 66, 99 0, 100 -1, 101

10 What type of test data? A program takes in runners names and the lane on the track that they are running in. There are 8 lanes on the track numbered 1 to 8. What type of test data are the following lane number values? 7 12 1 Normal Exceptional Extreme

11 Testing Tasks Complete the Testing worksheet.

12 Success Criteria I can identify Normal, Extreme and Exceptional test data for a given problem.

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