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One-stage meta-analysis of intimate partner violence (IPV) and time-to-unintended pregnancy using shared frailty Cox proportional hazards. One-stage meta-analysis.

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1 One-stage meta-analysis of intimate partner violence (IPV) and time-to-unintended pregnancy using shared frailty Cox proportional hazards. One-stage meta-analysis of intimate partner violence (IPV) and time-to-unintended pregnancy using shared frailty Cox proportional hazards. The model presents Cox proportional hazards shared frailty survival curves for the one-stage meta-analysis of the relation between IPV and time-to-unintended pregnancy, which is limited to pregnancies that resulted in live births. The Cox proportional hazards model is adjusted for the proportion of surviving children who were male and includes interaction terms between a restricted cubic spline of time with two knots and confounders that were not proportional over time, including maternal age (modelled as a restricted cubic spline with two knots), marital status, maternal education, partner’s education, household wealth, and rural residence. The model is conditional on country-level frailty terms that account for unobserved, country-level factors that affect the relation between IPV and time-to-unintended pregnancy. Lauren Maxwell et al. BMJ Glob Health 2018;3:e000304 © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

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