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Unit 4 Fairytales/Verbs

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Fairytales/Verbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Fairytales/Verbs
Spelling and Vocabulary Words Unit 4 Fairytales/Verbs

2 Objectives List the elements of a fairytale
Describe the elements of a fairytale Identify action words or verbs Correctly spell all words on spelling list 5

3 Objectives Create a twisted fairytale using outline, rough draft and final draft writing procedures List the types narration Describe the types of narration

4 Spelling and Vocabulary

5 Auto is the Greek Root word which means self
Greek Root Auto Auto is the Greek Root word which means self

6 The Greek Root word “bibli” means book

7 automobile (auto/mo/bile
A self moving vehicle

8 Autograph (auto/graph)
This means a signature

9 automatic (auto/ma/tic)
Automatic means to be self-acting (acting without instruction or guidance)

10 autoimmune (auto/im/mune)
Autoimmune refers to a living organisms method of fighting off disease

11 Autocrat means an absolute ruler
autocrat (auto/crat) Autocrat means an absolute ruler

12 autonomous (au/ton/o/mous)
This refers to someone or some nation that is independent or self-governing

13 bibliography (bib/lio/graph/y)
A list of books and articles on a particular subject

14 biblical (bib/li/cal)
According to the bible

15 Latin prefix “in” or “into”
This prefix means before

16 incision (in/ci/sion)
A cut (as in cutting into something)

17 To force in (usually by a needle)
inject (in/ject) To force in (usually by a needle)

18 inoculate (in/oc/u/late)
Inoculate means to receive a vaccine into a living organism to prevent disease

19 incinerate (in/cin/e/rate)
To burn to ashes

20 To receive something from an ancestor at his/her death
inherit (in/he/rit) To receive something from an ancestor at his/her death

21 To dwell in or live in a place
inhabit (in/hab/it) To dwell in or live in a place

22 interfere (in/ter/fere)
To interrupt or disturb

23 What are Verbs Verbs are action words
and show the action of the sentence normally in agreement with the subject.

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