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Pre-K Kindergarten Center

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1 Pre-K Kindergarten Center
Baker County Pre-K Kindergarten Center 3rd ANNUAL STEM Day! Science Technology Engineering Math F E A T U R I N G Foil Penny Boats! Marshmallow Structures! Graphing! Pencil Rockets! Robotics! Marble Runs! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH


3 Pencil Rockets Lesson: Materials: Procedure:
At this station, you will be building your very own rocket out of a pencil. To achieve liftoff, you will create a force behind the rocket by blowing it through a straw. With a strong force and a good design, your rocket will fly! Paper cones, scissors, tape, pencils, straws First, use your scissors to cut the tip off of your paper cone. Second, take your pencil and slide it into the paper cone. Third, with the pencil sticking out about an inch, tape the end of the pencil to the end of the paper cone. Next, insert your pencil rocket into the top of your straw. Wait for instructions to form a line in front of the station Point your pencil rocket forward (not at any classmates) Begin counting down from 10 Blast Off! Take a deep breath and blow your rocket through the straw!

4 Gummy Graphing Lesson: Materials: Procedure:
At this station, you will learn about graphs. Graphs help us visualize numbers and data. They help us ask meaningful questions and dig deeper to solve problems. Today, we will ask, What Is Your Class’s Favorite Flavor Of Gummy Snack? We will use a computer to make a graph to find out. Gummy snacks, drink, computer, computer mouse First, have a seat. Second, you will receive your gummy snacks and drink. Third, you will eat your snack and decide which flavor of gummy you like the best. You can enjoy your drink now too. Next, the instructor will call you up to the computer. Next, you will enter your favorite flavor on the computer. As each student selects their favorite, the graph will grow. When the whole class has entered their favorite, the graph will tell us which flavor was the class favorite.

5 Marble Runs Lesson: Materials: Procedure:
At this station, you will be constructing unique machines called marble runs. Your goal is to safely get the marble from the drop point to the end point. Use your creativity and have fun building the most unique system of tubes you can think of! Marbles, tube pieces First, look at all the colored tubes and pieces you have to work with. Second, start connecting pieces. When you think you have finished your tube system, drop a marble in through the top and watch as it moves through the system and comes out the other end.

6 Foil Penny Boats Lesson: Materials: Procedure:
At this station, you will be building boats out of tin foil! This station combines design, counting and water play. Our experiment will be to see whose boat can hold the most pennies without sinking. The strongest design will hold the most pennies! Tin foil squares, pennies, large containers, water First, fold your tin foil into the shape of a boat or raft. Once you believe your boat should float, put it in the water. Third, place pennies in your boat, one at a time. Keep track of how many pennies you add by counting. Try to see how many pennies your boat can hold without sinking.

7 Marshmallow Structures
Lesson: Materials: Procedure: At this station, you will be building creative structures out of marshmallows and toothpicks. Your design will be special, because just like you, it will be the only one just like it in the whole world! You could build a house, or a boat, or anything you can imagine. Marshmallows, toothpicks First, visualize the design you plan to create. Second, take a marshmallow and a toothpick. Third, stick the toothpick into the marshmallow. Next, add a marshmallow to the free end of the toothpick. Continue adding marshmallows and toothpicks until your design is complete. Think about what purpose your structure could serve in the real world.

8 Robotics Lesson: Materials: Procedure:
At this station, you will get to play with robots! A robot is a machine that is programmed to move and perform certain tasks automatically. Robots, remote controls, carpet Take turns controlling the robots on the carpet. Try out all the different functions the robots have. Talk about the way the robots move and act.

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