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QQ: Explain how land and sea breezes are created? What creates winds?

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Presentation on theme: "QQ: Explain how land and sea breezes are created? What creates winds?"— Presentation transcript:

1 QQ: Explain how land and sea breezes are created? What creates winds? What is the relationship between air and water vapor?

2 Today’s Objective: I understand the causes of high and low pressure systems and can record them on a weather map.

3 What are Hadley Cells? What are global winds? What are pressure belts? What are trade winds? What causes monsoons? Come up with two questions of your own…


5 Low Pressure Area Counterclockwise air movement Moves in toward
the center Cyclone Brings Storms Rising air drops water Low = Lousy L

6 L High Pressure Area H Clockwise movement Moves out of the center
Anticyclone Fair weather H L

7 Why do we care about the air?
Research: Why do we care about the air?

8 Instructions: Choose a way for your group to read the article aloud to your group.

9 Instructions: Choose a colored pencil. Discuss the 1st question.
Decide on the best answer. The person closest to the door writes the group’s answer. Slide paper to the left. Continue until all four questions are answered.

10 What creates wind? What is the relationship between temperature and wind? What makes up air? How is wind measured? How strong is wind? Can it move mountains? Are all winds the same? Explain.

11 A Recipe for Air

12 Analyzing the Data

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