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by Barry Bradlyn, Jennifer Cano, Zhijun Wang, M. G. Vergniory, C

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1 Beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions: Unconventional quasiparticles in conventional crystals
by Barry Bradlyn, Jennifer Cano, Zhijun Wang, M. G. Vergniory, C. Felser, R. J. Cava, and B. Andrei Bernevig Science Volume 353(6299):aaf5037 August 5, 2016 Published by AAAS

2 Fermi arcs from a threefold degeneracy.
Fermi arcs from a threefold degeneracy. Shown is the surface density of states as a function of momentum for a crystal in SG 214 with bulk threefold degeneracies that project to (0.25, 0.25) and (–0.25, –0.25). Two Fermi arcs emanate from these points, indicating that their monopole charge is 2. The arcs then merge with the surface projection of bulk states near the origin. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

3 Fig. 1 Energy dispersion near a threefold degeneracy at the P point.
Energy dispersion near a threefold degeneracy at the P point. (A and B) Shown are threefold degenerate points in (A) SGs 199 and 214 and (B) SG 220. In the latter case, pairs of bands remain degenerate in energy along the high-symmetry lines . Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

4 Fig. 2 Energy dispersion near a sixfold degeneracy.
Energy dispersion near a sixfold degeneracy. (A to C) Six-band crossings in (A) SG 205; (B) SG 206 and 230; and (C) SGs 198, 212, and 213. In SGs 198, 212, and 213, bands become degenerate in pairs along the faces δki = 0 of the BZ. In SGs 205, 206, and 230, all bands are twofold degenerate owing to inversion symmetry. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

5 Fig. 3 Energy dispersion near an eightfold degeneracy.
Energy dispersion near an eightfold degeneracy. (A to C) Eightfold degenerate points in (A) SGs 130 and 135; (B) SGs 222, 223, and 230; and (C) SGs 218 and 220. (A) and (B) show pairwise degeneracy owing to inversion symmetry. In addition, in (A), two degenerate bands form fourfold degenerate line nodes along the edges of the BZ. In (C), the eightfold degeneracy splits into four nondegenerate and two doubly degenerate pairs of bands along the high-symmetry lines. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

6 Fig. 4 Tight-binding surface states for SG 214.
Tight-binding surface states for SG 214. Shown is the surface density of states for a surface in the direction, calculated by using the open-source PythTB package (70). The x axis gives the angle around a circle δk(θ) = 0.05[g2cos(θ) + g3sin(θ)] surrounding the surface projection of the P point, and the y axis is energy. Here, g2 = 2π(1, 0, 1) and g3 = 2π(1, 1, 0) are the surface reciprocal lattice vectors. Two chiral Fermi arcs can be clearly seen traversing the bulk gap. (Inset) The atoms in nine unit cells with lines to indicate the nonzero hopping amplitudes. Each unit cell consists of four atoms with three p orbitals per atom. Only p orbitals with intersite spin-orbit coupling are included. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

7 Fig. 5 Landau level spectrum of the threefold degenerate fermion.
Landau level spectrum of the threefold degenerate fermion. The spectrum is shown as a function of δkz with magnetic field along the z direction. The two chiral modes are distinguished by being monotonic until they reach an avoided crossing (inset) with the family of bands near zero energy. Because of the avoided crossing, both chiral modes have a spectral flow that goes through kz → ±∞. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

8 Fig. 6 Materials exhibiting threefold fermions near the Fermi level.
Materials exhibiting threefold fermions near the Fermi level. (A and B) The band structures of (A) Ag3Se2Au (SG 214), where the threefold band crossing is 0.5 eV below the Fermi level, and (B) Pd3Bi2S2 (SG 199), where the threefold crossing is almost exactly at the Fermi level. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

9 Fig. 7 Compounds in SG 220 display three- and eightfold fermions near the Fermi level.
Compounds in SG 220 display three- and eightfold fermions near the Fermi level. (A and B) The band structures of (A) Ba4Bi3 and (B) La4Bi3, both in SG 220. Both materials exhibit both a threefold fermion at the P point and an eightfold fermion at the H point. The threefold crossings split into a doubly degenerate line node and a single band along the cuts of the BZ shown in the figure; hence, the band crossings appear to be only twofold degenerate. Similarly, the eightfold crossing splits into four doubly degenerate line nodes and hence appears as a fourfold crossing. The band crossings are within 0.25 eV of the Fermi level. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

10 Fig. 8 Sixfold fermions at the R point.
Sixfold fermions at the R point. (A to F) The band structures of the representative compounds (A) MgPt, (B) AsPdS, and (C) K3BiTe3 in SG 198 and (D) Li2Pd3B (SG 212), (E) Mg3Ru2 (SG 213), and (F) PdSb2 (SG 205). Because SG 205 contains inversion symmetry, all bands are doubly degenerate. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

11 Fig. 9 Eightfold fermions at the A and R points.
Eightfold fermions at the A and R points. Eightfold fermions are visible at the A point in (A) CuBi2O4 (SG 130), (B) PdBi2O4 (SG 130), and (C) PdS (SG 135) and at the R point in (D) CsSn (SG 218), (E) Ta3Sb (SG 223), (F) LaPd3S4 (SG 223), and (G) Nb3Bi (SG 223). Because (A) to (C) and (D) to (G) have inversion symmetry (in addition to TR symmetry), all bands are doubly degenerate. In addition, in (A) to (C), the fourfold degenerate line nodes are visible along the A-M line, as described in the main text. [(D), inset] The eight-band crossing splits into four doubly degenerate lines along R-X and into four nondegenerate and two pairs of double degenerate bands along Γ-R. Barry Bradlyn et al. Science 2016;353:aaf5037 Published by AAAS

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