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Causes of the Great Depression

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1 Causes of the Great Depression
CHC 2DR Lesson 52

2 Causes of the Great Depression
Learning Goal: Explain the causes of the Great Depression and the government’s response. Note and discussion on causes of the Depression. Finish up textbook work from yesterday.

3 The Causes of the Depression
The stock market crash of 1929 did not cause the depression It was a sign that the economy of North America was very sick

4 1. Over Production and Over Expansion
During the ‘20s, agriculture and industry prospered Extra income was spent on expansion and growth Items produced in Canada were stockpiled Oshawa and Windsor produced over cars in 1930 This made little sense as only were bought in the best year Workers were laid off so families had little money Slowed down sales even more

5 Artificial scarcity

6 2. Dependence on Primary Products
Included wheat, fish, minerals, pulp and paper (staples) During the depression, areas that depended heavily on these staples suffered most (the west and the Maritimes) Secondary industries process or manufacture primary products (remember from geography class) They also suffered a slowdown

7 Western farmers were also faced with drought in 1929, 1931, 1933-37
They could not afford to purchase machinery from the East There was no wheat to be shipped or ground railways and flour mills felt the punch A chain reaction!

8 3. Dependence on the USA Economy of the ‘20s linked with the U.S.’s (65% imports, 40% exports) Most important trade partner When US economy was bad, so was ours ‘When the United States sneezed, the rest of the world got pneumonia’ when the depression hit US everything collapsed didn’t need our lumber, paper, wheat or minerals

9 4. High Tariffs Countries raised tariffs to protect home industries from foreign competition Country y puts on tariffs to keep out country x’s goods Then Country x puts on tariffs to keep out country y’s goods World trade slowed down  every country kept out each other’s goods Surplus goods in one country were kept out of another country

10 5. Too Much Credit Buying All through the 20s, people were encouraged to “Buy now, pay later’ By 1929, credit buying was a well-established custom You could have a piano or tractor now and pay for it later Many families got hopelessly into debt with credit buying

11 If a wage-earner took sick or was laid off, it was impossible to keep up with the payments
As the depression worsened, many people lost everything Appliances and even homes were repossessed by the creditors

12 6. Too Much Credit Buying Stock
How it developed For many people in the 20s, the stock market seemed like an easy way to get rich quickly People in all walks of life gambled on the stock market It was not necessary to have a lot of money to play the stock market

13 Margin Buying You could buy stocks on credit just like a car or washing machine The broker loaned you the rest of the money (at high interest rates) The ideas was that as soon as your sock went up in value you would sell it and pay back the loan you took from your broker You would pocket the profit This risky business was called margin buying

14 What finally happened Oct. 1929, the value of stock started to drop People panicked  many started to sell Prices fell even lower as more and more stocks were dumped on the market

15 The market was like a giant roller coaster racing down hill  nothing could stop it
In a few hours, the value of stocks nosedived by nearly 50% Shareholders lost millions  big and small investors were wiped out It dawned on people slowly hard times were here  the Great Depression

16 Canada Responds to the Great Depression
Learning Goal: Explain how the citizens and the government dealt with the challenges of the depression. Journal: How do we deal with hard times now? How do our government and employers support us? How do we expect to be treated? (9 sentences) Review the causes of the depression. (Finish note) CSI: Treatment of the Unemployed

17 CSI: Treatment of the Unemployed
Pages 50-55 Before Reading: chat with a friend During Reading, page 50 (use handout) During Reading, page 52 (use other side of handout!) During Reading, page 54

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