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Diversity of Living things

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1 Diversity of Living things

2 Diversity of organisms
All living things have many things in common – Growth, Movement, Reproduction, Respiration, Response, Nutrition and Excretion But they also have many differences - body plans, behaviour, niches etc.

3 Classification of organisms
Living things are divided into five Kingdoms: Living things Monera Protista Fungi Plants Animals Necessary due to the large number of organisms in the world – makes it easier to manage – like our wardrobe. Every single living thing must fit into one of these groups. Kingdoms!

4 The Monera Also called the Prokaryotes
Single celled or a chain of independent cells No proper nucleus or enclosed organelles Live on land, in salt water, in fresh water, and are air borne! Places where they live: salt water, fresh water, soil, air, plants, animals, hotsprings, Spirral, baccilus and coccus types.

5 The Protista Single celled or simple organisms which have a nucleus
Are found anywhere that water is present – ponds, lakes ,oceans, damp soil etc.

6 The Fungi Include moulds, yeasts, lichens and mushrooms
Can not carry out photosynthesis Mainly terrestrial – live in rotting plants and animals, found in the soil, live in other living organisms etc Moulds are microscopic fungi Yeasts are single celled fungi Lichens are fungi

7 The Plants Multicellular and complex organisms
Carry out photosynthesis to make food Non flowering plant, mosses


9 The Animals Multicellular and complex organisms
Are consumers – eat other organisms to get food what about humans?

10 Animals


12 What is in each kingdom? Prokaryote (Monera )kingdom: simple single-celled organisms that feed by a number of different methods. Protista (Protoctist) kingdom: complex single-celled organisms and all of the algae (including multicellular algae) that feed by a number of different methods. Fungus kingdom: multicellular organisms with little cellular differentiation that feed heterotrophically by absorption. Plant kingdom: multicellular organisms that feed by photosynthesis. Animal kingdom: multicellular organisms that feed heterotrophically by ingestion.

13 Viruses ??? Having living and non living traits!
Scientists haven't yet come to a decision about what to do about viruses and which group to put them into! Yellow – mumps virus Aids virus attacking a cell Pink – measles virus 3d is the cow pox virus


15 Check your learning.. How are living things are classified?
Name the 5 groups of living things What are the characteristics of the monera? Are protists prokaryotes or eukartoyes? How do fungi feed? What can all plants do that animals cant?

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