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Welcome to the Advisor Session!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Advisor Session!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Advisor Session!
Welcome – Richard Wittwer, State Director State Website & Event Registration – Angelee Day, Assistant to the State Director Finances – Jennifer Streker, Chief Finance Officer State Contests – Will Pierce, Contest Chairman Skilled and Technical Science Specialist, Aaron Bodell Discussion / Q&A – Richard Wittwer, State Director

2 SkillsUSA: Champions at Work
Career Ready Starts Here

3 SkillsUSA’s Mission: SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.

4 What you do very well: Competitions - Prepare every student in your program for state competition. Let them compete at the school level to determine who represents your school at the regional event (when available) and state championships.

5 What you do very well: Tips for state contest success: -Copy of the official state contest list NLSC Technical Standards (Available soon) Free access through the national website with your paid professional membership NLSC Scorecards: available on the national website or the statewebsite

6 What you do very well: Service Activities: Social Activities: Fund Raising: Is there something more you could do to enhance your students’ career readiness?

7 Provide opportunities for:
-Leadership Development: You need to “develop” your own chapter officers. -Career Preparation for all students. (soft skills) SkillsUSA Motto: “Preparing for Leadership in the world of work.” “Preparing for success in the world of work.”

8 SkillsUSA Framework

9 What? When? How? -Career Essentials: Foundations Curriculum, free access with your paid professional membership. -Chapter meetings during lunch / Bring a lunch to your classroom. -Start with your student officers and/or students during lunch chapter meetings.

10 Questions? STATE WEBSITE:
NATIONAL WEBSITE: Contact the national SkillsUSA membership hotline. Questions?

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