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Chapter 23 Lesson 5 Mr. Martin

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1 Chapter 23 Lesson 5 Mr. Martin
Living Drug Free Chapter 23 Lesson 5 Mr. Martin

2 You’ll Learn To Analyze and develop strategies for preventing drug use. Examine school and community efforts to curb drug-use. Identify and asses community health service for getting help with the prevention and treatment of drug addiction and abuse. Analyze the importance of alternatives to drug and substance abuse.

3 Vocabulary Drug-free school zones Drug watches

4 Refusing Pressure to Use Drugs
Make a commitment to be drug free! Use refusal skills to say no! Remember, “YOU HAVE THE POWER”

5 Efforts to Curb Drug Abuse
Drug-free school zones prohibit drug use or possession within 1000 feet of all schools. Drug watches are organized community efforts to patrol, monitor and report drug use or drug deals. Choose Healthy Alternatives such as school related activities and get new friends if necessary.

6 Warning Signs of Drug Use
Gets drunk or high regularly. Lies about using drugs. Stops participating in activities. Loss of weight, change in eating habits. Difficulty concentrating. Gets in trouble with authority. Red eyes and runny nose. Seems withdrawn, depressed.

7 Becoming Drug-Free Ask for help from a parent, friend, counselor.
Identify sources in the community. Make a commitment and stick with it!

8 Getting Help Treatment Centers
Outpatient – Usually includes individual or group therapy and do not include medications. Maintenance Therapy – Intended for heroin addicts usually includes medication therapy. Short-Term Treatment – Inpatient, outpatient and medical treatment. Therapeutic Communities – These are for people with a long history of drug use. Usually lasts 6-12 months.

9 Where Can You Go For Help?
Counselor/Teacher Your Medical Doctor Treatment Centers Youth Substance Abuse Centers Health Department

10 Your Assignment Chapter 23 Review P 618 All Questions
Page 619 Thinking Critically #2 and # 4 Page 619 Health Skills Application # 3

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