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Christmas Thank you’s.

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1 Christmas Thank you’s

2 Christmas poems week 2 Week 2 – focuses on the poem “Christmas Thank You’s ” by Mick Gowar Show the poem and ask students to read it. If anyone in the form is confident enough, they could read it aloud to the class – or a group of students reading a verse each. Again you could role model by doing the first verse. The poem has been chosen to allow a light-hearted follow up discussion. Discuss what the poem is about – (ie rubbish Christmas presents that you have to pretend to like and the relief at getting some money from relatives that have no idea, so that you can get what you want) Use this to have a follow up discussion about what are the worst/best presents students have received. There are some prompts on the next couple of slides if you need them but I suspect students will be able to talk about this fairly easily. This is also an activity that can be used to remind students of speaking and listening skills. After that there a few slides with some weird presents that you can buy, that you might want to end on. Can anyone beat these?

3 Worst and best Christmas presents?
What’s the worst present you’ve received? The weirdest? Most disappointing? Most unusual? What’s the best present you’ve received? The most memorable? The best surprise? The one you played with most as a kid? christmas thank yous.docx

4 Dead dog door mat, anyone?

5 Ear-rings made from moose droppings

6 Toilet water bowl for the dog?

7 Animal feet ear-rings

8 Death Star ice cube mould

9 A pill that turns your poohs golden – only $425!

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