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Pathogens and Disease.

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1 Pathogens and Disease

2 Origin Disease and death were not always a part of this world
Genesis 1:31 As a result of the Fall of man, sin caused a host of degenerative changes in the biological realm including: disorders, diseases, aging, and death However, God uses afflictions to accomplish His purposes in the lives of men

3 Disease Does not allow the body to function normally
Can affect individual organs or an entire body system Divided into two groups: infectious non-infectious

4 Infectious Disease Infectious disease is a disease that can be passed from organism to organism Caused by tiny organisms or particles called PATHOGENS Examples: Strep throat Ebola Measles Typhoid Fever

5 Pathogens Bacteria Viruses Fungi Protist Some worms

6 Pathogens come from… Other people!

7 Pathogens come from… Contaminated objects

8 Pathogens come from… Animal Bites

9 Pathogens come from… Our environment

10 Entry into Host Pathogens have many different places on our body in which they can come in: Skin Orifices Ears Eyes Noses Any opening to the inside of our body

11 Infection It works by damaging individual cells within the organs
Infection – the ability of an organism or virus to enter, survive and multiply in a host and start symptoms It works by damaging individual cells within the organs In some cases it attacks an entire body system

12 Infection 1. Production of poisons, such as toxins and enzymes, that destroy cells and tissues. 2. Direct invasion and destruction of host cells. Triggering responses from the host’s immune system leading to disease signs and symptoms: Swelling Fever Vomiting/diarrhea

13 Types of Infection Types of Infection: Bacterial infections
Viral infections Fungal infections Parasitic infections

14 Defense! Happily, not all is lost!
Our bodies are equipped to prevent or stop most infections from occurring First line of defense Skin Mucous hygiene

15 Defense! Second line of defense!  IMMUNE SYSTEM!!!
The second line of defense is a group of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. This is the immune system.

16 Defense! Sometimes our bodies need some help getting rid of pesky pathogens Antibiotics (“against life”) Antiviral drugs Steroids Antihistamines

17 Defense! IMMUNITY! Third line of defense…
After our immune system has successfully defeated (pwned) pathogens, it will develop ANTIBODIES or markers that will alert the immune system if those pathogens ever show up again! Antibodies

18 Defense! - Vaccines Dr. Edward Jenner, an English physician and scientist, discovered that if people were given a similar but non-virulent strain of a disease they would have protection from the more deadly version He called this weakened or similar version of the pathogen a vaccine It allowed the patient to develop immunity without getting a case of the disease

19 Non-Infectious Diseases

20 Non-Infectious Diseases
Not caused by pathogens in the body Not spread from organism to organism Non-infectious Diseases are caused by malfunctions in the body. Heredity The environment Lifestyle choices

21 Non-Infectious Disease
Cancer Diabetes I and II Genetic diseases Cystic Fibrosis Asthma Allergies

22 Allergies Allergies are an abnormal response by the immune system to normally harmless substances Ex: food, pollen, mold, dust, animals An allergic reaction occurs when a allergen enters the body and the immune GOES CRAZY thinking it is a potentially life-threatening pathogen

23 Allergies The immune system will go through a series of reactions and releases HISTIDINE, a chemical which causes many allergy symptoms: Sneezing Coughing Itching Rash/hives Swelling Watery eyes/nose

24 What causes allergies??? “Hygiene Hypothesis”
Developed countries like the US and Europe have more people who suffer from allergies than life- threatening diseases like parasitic worm infections, smallpox, viral outbreaks This hypothesis says that with improvements in sanitation, health care, and hygiene, we are reducing or even eliminating our exposure to many microbes and parasites immune systems are responding to SOMETHING (allergens) in order to keep itself ready

25 Non-Infectious Disease and Allergies
What did we learn?!? Pathogens and Disease Non-Infectious Disease and Allergies

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