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Nerve Jeopardy Blue Yellow Green orange purple 100 100 100 100 100 200

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1 Nerve Jeopardy Blue Yellow Green orange purple 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL JEOPARDY

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(2) Enter all answers and questions in the normal view. (view/normal) (3) Change the category headings in the normal view (view/normal) (4) View as a slideshow. (5) Use the home red button after each question. ©Norman Herr, 2003

3 A-100 Neuron processes that normally receive incoming stimuli and send it to the cell body are called: Answer: Dendrites

4 A-200 Question: Small collections of nerve cell bodies found in lumps outside of the CNS Answer: Ganglia

5 A-300 QUESTION: During a Nerve Impulse (action potential), what is it called when potassium rushes out of the cell to return the inside back to a slightly negative state. ANSWER: Repolarization

6 A-400 QUESTION: A neuron with a cell body located in the CNS and connects the afferent pathway to the efferent pathway is called ANSWER: Interneuron (association)

7 A-500 QUESTION: If a neuron is in its “Polarized” state
what Ion would be on the inside of the neuron (majority) and 2) What would be the charge inside? ANSWER: potassium ion and charge is slightly negative inside the cell

8 B-100 QUESTION: True or False
Neuroglia cells CAN transmit nerve impulses (No Stealing) QUESTION: False

9 B-200 QUESTION: Neuroglia cell that coats nerve fibers with myelin in the PNS ANSWER: Schwann

10 B-300 QUESTION: This neuroglia cell cleans up dead cells and bacteria.
ANSWER: microglial

11 B-400 QUESTION: This neuroglia cell braces and anchors neurons to capillaries ANSWER: Astrocytes

12 B-500 Question: This neuroglia cell coats the nerve fibers with myelin in the CNS. ANSWER: Oligodendrocyte

13 C-100 QUESTION: True or False (no stealing)
The sodium potassium pump does not require energy to work. Answer: False

14 C-200 QUESTION: This neuroglial cell protects neuron cell bodies.
ANSWER: satellite cell

15 C-300 QUESTION: This neuroglia cell has cilia to move cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and spinal cord. ANSWER: ependymal

16 C-400 QUESTION: Just what the hell does “Neuroglia” mean anyway????!!!!! DANG!!! IT!!!!!!!!! ANSWER: “nerve glue” or supporting cells

17 C-500 QUESTION: When blood pressure is low the kidneys can release this hormone to bring it back up. ANSWER: Renin

18 D-100 QUESTION: What material causes a nerve impulse to travel faster?
ANSWER: myelin

19 D-200 QUESTION: The substance that is released at axon terminals to send a signal to another neuron is called: ANSWER: Neurotransmitter

20 D-300 QUESTION: What is Saltatory Conduction?
ANSWER: when a nerve impulse jumps from one node of ranvier to another over the top of a myelinated area

21 D-400 QUESTION: Which motor nerve subdivision would be used to move food through your intestines? ANSWER: Autonomic

22 D-500 QUESTION: Describe how a nerve impulse or action potential travels from one neuron to the next. (This should be a long description … kind of like an essay question) ; ) ANSWER: As the action potential moves to the axon terminal it signals the vesicles containing neurotransmitter to move to the cell membrane. The vesicle expels the neurotransmitter by exocytosis into the synaptic cleft. The next neuron has receptor proteins that the neurotransmitter connects to and opens the protein so sodium can come in and continue the action potential.

23 E-100 QUESTION: Name the Neuron structure

24 E-200 QUESTION: Name the Neuron structure

25 E-300 QUESTION: Name the Neuron structure

26 E-400 QUESTION: Name the type of neuron pathway:

27 E-500 QUESTION: Name the type of neuron pathway:

28 FINAL JEOPARDY Topic – Action Potentials (Nerve impulses)
Question: Use the following terms to describe what happens during an action potential: depolarization, ATP, polarized, repolarization, sodium, potassium, positive, sodium potassium pump, negative … of course you need to fill in the rest of the words! (10 pt) Answer: 1) When a neuron is in the normal state it is called polarized and there is more sodium ions outside of the cell and potassium ions inside the cell. It has a slightly positive charge on the outside and a slightly negative charge on the inside. 2) When a stimulus happens it causes depolarization to occur and sodium moves into the cell and makes it positive. 3) Potassium now leaves the cell to make the inside negative again and this is called repolarization 4) The sodium potassium pump using ATP now moves sodium out and potassium back in to make the cell polarized again.

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