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Step One – Select a question

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1 Step One – Select a question
Analyse how particular techniques are used to encourage the viewer to form a positive or negative view of a character in a visual text you have studied. Analyse how visual techniques and sound or verbal techniques are combined to manipulate viewer response in a visual text you have studied. Analyse how mood or atmosphere in a setting is created for a particular purpose in a visual text you have studied. Analyse how time is manipulated for a particular purpose in a visual text you have studied. Analyse how visual techniques are used to develop deeper ideas in a visual text you have studied. Analyse how particular techniques are used to challenge society’s ideas or beliefs in a visual text you have studied.

2 Question: Analyse how visual techniques and sound or verbal techniques are combined to manipulate viewer response in a visual text you have studied We feel what Neo Feels X: Lighting – Green Filter + Dialogue – Smith’s sinister monotone Y: Unease, discomfort – degree tension X: Visual – Special Effect CGI + Sound – Music discordant, high pitched strings Y: Shocked – we realise something is very wrong with this place - terror X: Dialogue ‘No’ + CGI effect ‘Bullet time’ Y: Relief – Cause us to think about the Christ parallel? GWe feel what Neo Feels X Point of view shot – Neo sees the Matrix as code – Triumphant non-diagetic music: Brass / trumpets Y: Triumph.

3 Analyse how a theme was developed in a text you viewed.
Neo doesn’t know himself Unaware where he is – but has nagging doubt – costumes Fear of jumping from the building Neo sees Oracle She leads him to tell the truth – he doesn’t understand he is what he sees himself as – he doesn’t believe he is the one, therefore he isn’t Dialogue key here Neo starts to believe He begins to move like the agents He faces Agent Smith – Special Effects, close ups showing Neo’s Composure Neo becomes the ONE He finally BELIEVES – Knows himself – and can therefore realise his full potential Camera work, dialogue, CGI, Slow/fast motion

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