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Making the completion of the Tax Professional Logbook Easy

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Presentation on theme: "Making the completion of the Tax Professional Logbook Easy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the completion of the Tax Professional Logbook Easy

2 Contents This template is designed to be used as a guide to make the completion of the tax professional logbook easy. Click on the following links to skip to the applicable section: Complete the project and project review form Rate yourself on the MATRIX Supervisor completes assessment form Include supervisor rating on the MATRIX Contact person for any questions

3 Complete the project and project review form
1 The trainee receives and assignment and completes the project. Let’s assume the project is the completion of a company tax return. After the project is competed the trainee must complete the applicable project review form. 1 2 On the Company project review form, complete the project name AND provide the form with a reference. This reference is EXTREMELY important as it will be used to link the Project Assessment form (Supervisor Review) to this specific project. 2 3 Please provide details listing the work that you performed. Try to be as concise and complete as possible in order for the supervisor/SAIT assessor to be able to determine the difficulty of the project. 3

4 Complete the project and project review form
4 The trainee completes the relevant sections. This can be done electronically or the form can be printed out and completed in a hard-copy. The submitted form must be in *.pdf format 4 5 Complete the “Trainee Self assessment” in order to rate yourself on the completed project. Provide yourself with an honest review of your performance. 5

5 Complete the project and project review form
6 Complete the section dealing with the key lessons learned. 6 7 Date the form. The project should be as recent as possible. Working papers to support the work experience should not be older than 3 years. 7 8 8 Sign the form

6 Rate yourself on the MATRIX
Let’s first understand the MATRIX. The MATRIX was created from the Cumulative sets of Evidence forms. These sets of evidence represent a rough breakdown of tax project activities as discussed with the firms. The forms are in WORD format, whereas the MATRIX is in EXCEL format. Your progress is determined through the allocation of POINTS, therefore the MATRIX’s sole purpose is to allow the easy calculation and tracking of the points awarded. If the MATRIX is completed there is no need to complete the cumulative sets of Evidence forms as the MATRIX is an Excel version of these forms.

7 Rate yourself on the MATRIX
The first page of the MATRIX is the dashboard to show a snapshot of your progress. It has the following elements: 1 Include your name 5 The % of completion is based on your OWN project reviews and is a rough indication of your progress. 4 These are Y/N questions and should be answered in the Comment section 2 The totals here pull through from the various Cumulative Sets of Evidence forms in the tabs below 3 The TOPIC tabs below relate to the Cumulative Sets of Evidence forms

8 Rate yourself on the MATRIX
The REQUIREMENTS which need to be complied with for a candidate to have completed the program are the following: REQUIREMENT 1: 200 points self assessment (completed on PROJECT REVIEW FORM by the trainee) in grey and white blocks. MAXIMUM of 10 units per project type. REQUIREMENT 2: 50 points self assessment (completed on PROJECT REVIEW FORM by the trainee) in grey blocks AND Minimum of 10 points awarded in TOPIC 1 – Company Tax Compliance and Management Services Minimum of 5 points awarded in TOPIC 2 – VAT Minimum of 10 points awarded in TOPIC 6 – Controversy & Advisory (all specialist areas) REQUIREMENT 3: 50 points supervisory assessment (completed on the PROJECT ASSESSMENT FORM by the supervisor) in grey and white blocks. REQUIREMENT 4: 25 points supervisory assessment (completed on the PROJECT ASSESSMENT FORM by the supervisor) in grey blocks. REQUIREMENT 5: Periodic Assessment of Trainee form submitted (every 6 months but not more than 4 forms)

9 Rate yourself on the MATRIX
Go to the correct TOPIC on the appropriate TAB in order to capture your project review form. 2 Section where SELF assessment performed from project review forms Section where SUPERVISOR assessment performed from project assessment forms 3 2 3 4 4 The information submitted here MUST be in line with the project review form (self assessment). IMPORTANT: Provide the reference! 1 The TOPIC tab correlates with the project review form

10 Rate yourself on the MATRIX
1 The candidate also reviewed the tax pack therefore need to complete as well (On same tab) 2 The total UNITS maximum is 10 for each project type 1 2

11 Supervisor completes project assessment form
1 This document contains both the supervisor project assessments and the periodic assessments. The trainee must prepare the form before sending to the supervisor. 1 2 The trainee completes the information before submitting to the supervisor. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – Include the reference. There needs to be a clear audit trail between the project review and project assessment. 2

12 Supervisor completes project assessment form
1 The supervisor completes the questions relating to the project. 2 The supervisor can decide that a project is of a superior standard and can give the trainee ADDITIONAL points (x 1.5) If the project is below standard, the supervisor can REDUCE points (x0.5) If the project EXCEEDS standards the supervisor HAS TO provide a MOTIVATION. Work of a superior standard results in higher productivity OR better recoverability of fees OR additional work (i.e. value added to the client and/or firm). The requirement of a trainee is that he/she performs work WELL, therefore AT STANDARD. 1 2 3 The supervisor signs and dates form. 3

13 Include Supervisor Rating on the MATRIX
The trainee captures the project assessment form. 1 Include the reference and supervisor rating. This rating would therefore be for BOTH project types included in the project review (self assessment). 1

14 Include Supervisor Rating on the MATRIX
The trainee captures the project assessment form. 1 Include the reference and supervisor rating. This rating would therefore be for BOTH project types included in the project review (self assessment). 1

15 Include Supervisor Rating on the MATRIX
The totals from the supporting TOPIC sheets will now update on the dashboard of the MATRIX. The rating supplied by the supervisor is FINAL, therefore if he/she rates performance as below standards, that rating will reflect as own rating AND supervisor rating. The same applies for ratings that exceeded expectations.

16 Contact person for any questions
More questions about the MATRIX Annelie Laage

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