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Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes

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Presentation on theme: "Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Objectives Day 1 Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Day 2 Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Day 3 Know equivalent analogue and digital times Use am and pm. Before teaching, be aware that: On Day 1 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens. You can use the ITP ‘Tell the Time’ to generate further examples. On Day 2 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens and analogue clocks. You can use the ITP ‘Tell the Time’ to generate further examples. On Day 3 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens. You can use the clock at to generate further examples. Year 3

2 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Starters Day 1 Units of time (pre-requisite skills) Day 2 Pairs of multiples of 5 with a total of 60 (simmering skills) Day 3 5 times table (simmering skills) Choose starters that suit your class by dragging and dropping the relevant slide or slides below to the start of the teaching for each day. Year 3

3 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Starter Units of time Pre-requisite skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 1 Ask quick fire questions about units of time, e.g. How many seconds in a minute? How many minutes in an hour? Hours in a day? Days in a week? Days in March/January? Months in a year? Days in a year? Write a number on the board e.g. 24. What might the question be? E.g. How many hours in a day. Repeat with other numbers, e.g. 7, 60, 30, 365 etc. Year 3

4 Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals
Starter Pairs of multiples of 5 with a total of 60 Simmering skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 2 Write the number 60 in a big star in the middle of the board. Put some multiples of 5 in a feely bag up to 55. Choose a child to pick a number from the bag, e.g. 45. The rest of the class work out the matching pair that is needed to make 60, e.g = 60. Year 3

5 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Starter 5 times table Simmering skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 3 Ask children to draw a 2 x 3 grid on their whiteboards. Draw a similar one on the IWB. Write a multiple of 5 in each of the boxes. Children write the matching multiplication that gives that multiple as an answer, e.g. for 55 they write 11 x 5 = 55. Year 3

6 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Objectives Day 1 Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Year 3

7 Day 1: Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks.
What time is the clock showing? 9:00 9 o’clock. Where will each hand be in half an hour? Year 3

8 Where is the minute hand now? Where is the hour hand now?
Day 1: Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Let’s see… Where is the minute hand now? Where is the hour hand now? 9:30 Half past 9. Year 3

9 Let’s count around from 9 o’clock in 5 minute intervals…
Day 1: Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Let’s count around from 9 o’clock in 5 minute intervals… 5 past 9. 10 past 9. 1/4 past 9. Why 1/4 ? 20 past 9. Why 1/2 ? 25 past 9. 1/2 past 9. Year 3

10 Let’s try those times with digital notation…
Day 1: Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Let’s try those times with digital notation… 9:00 9:05 9:10 9:15 9:20 9:25 9:30 Year 3

11 Day 1: Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks.
On your whiteboards write the digital times equivalent to these analogue clocks. 10:00 1:05 11:10 5:15 8:20 Children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Read, write and make times to 5 minutes past the hour on analogue and digital clocks. ARE/GD: Read, write and make times to 5 minutes past the hour on analogue and digital clocks, including those with Roman numerals. 7:25 2:30 Year 3

12 Challenge The Practice Sheet on this and the previous slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Analogue and digital clock times Sheet 1. ARE: Reading the time on analogue and digital clocks Sheet 2. GD: Reading the time on analogue and digital clocks Sheet 3. Year 3

13 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Objectives Day 2 Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Year 3

14 What time is the clock showing?
Day 2: Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. What time is the clock showing? What would the time be in 15 minutes? Move the hands around your clock to show the new time. We read the clock as 1/4 to 6 but write it digitally as 5:45. Can you explain why? What would the time be in another 15 minutes? Move the hands around your clock to show the new time. What would the time be in another 15 minutes? Move the hands around your clock to show the new time. 1/2 past 5. 1/4 past 5. 5 o’clock. 1/4 to 6. 5:45 5:30 5:15 5:00 Year 3

15 Write and say these clock times...
Day 2: Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Write and say these clock times... 7 o’clock. 7:00 1/4 past 7. 7:15 1/2 past 7. 7:30 1/4 to 8. 7:45 Year 3

16 Let’s count around from 1/2 past 8 to 9 o’clock in 5 minute intervals…
Day 2: Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. 9 o’clock. 5 to 9. 10 to 9. 1/4 to 9. 20 to 9. 25 to 9. Let’s count around from 1/2 past 8 to 9 o’clock in 5 minute intervals… Analogue clocks show the number of minutes TO the next hour. Year 3

17 Day 2: Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks.
9:00 8:55 8:50 8:45 8:40 8:35 8:30 Let’s try those times with digital notation… Digital clocks show the number of minutes PAST the last hour. Year 3

18 Day 2: Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks.
9:55 1:05 10:50 On your whiteboards write the digital times equivalent to these analogue clocks. 5:45 6:40 Children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Read, make and write times to the next hour, to 5 minutes, on analogue and digital clocks (with support). ARE: Read, make and write times to the next hour, to 5 minutes, on analogue and digital clocks. GD: Find the time 15 minutes later and show it on analogue and digital clocks. 7:35 2:30 Year 3

19 The Practice Sheet on this and the next slide is suitable for most children.
Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Telling times Sheet 1. ARE: Telling times Sheet 2. GD: Telling times Sheet 3. Year 3

20 Challenge The Practice Sheet on this and the previous slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Telling times Sheet 1. ARE: Telling times Sheet 2. GD: Telling times Sheet 3. Year 3

21 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Objectives Day 3 Know equivalent analogue and digital times Use am and pm. Year 3

22 What time is this clock showing?
Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm. What time is this clock showing? 1/2 past 7. 7:30 What would you be doing at this time? With digital times we can use AM or PM so we know which part of the day it is! AM - morning (ante/before midday) PM - afternoon/evening (post-midday) Year 3

23 Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm.
What time is this clock showing? 1/4 past 11. 11:15 If it is 11:15 AM what will you be doing? If it is 11:15 PM what will you be doing? Year 3

24 8:40 Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm.
What time is this clock showing? 20 to 9. 8:40 If it is 8:40 AM what will you be doing? If it is 8:40 PM what will you be doing? Year 3

25 Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm.
The clock is showing lunchtime - write the time in digital format using AM or PM. 12:30 PM Year 3

26 Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm.
You are fast asleep in bed - write the time in digital format using AM or PM. 2:45 AM Year 3

27 Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm.
You are on the way home from school - write the time in digital format using AM or PM. 4:20 PM Year 3

28 Day 3: Know equivalent analogue and digital times; Use am and pm.
The clock is showing school assembly time - write the time in digital format using AM or PM. 10:25 AM Today would be a great day to use a problem-solving investigation – Dodgy Digital Clock – as the group activity, which you can find in this unit’s IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION box on Hamilton’s website. Alternatively, children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Make and write times on analogue clocks and in digital format. ARE/GD: Order times in different formats, including am and pm. Year 3

29 Challenge The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Matching times Sheet 1. ARE: Matching times Sheet 2. GD: Matching times Sheet 3. Year 3

30 Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes
Time and Data Tell the time to nearest 5 minutes Roman numerals Objectives Day 1 Telling time past the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Day 2 Telling time to the hour (to 5 mins) on analogue and digital clocks. Day 3 Know equivalent analogue and digital times Use am and pm. You can now use the Mastery: Reasoning and Problem-Solving questions to assess children’s success across this unit. Go to the next slide. Year 3

31 Problem solving and reasoning questions
Draw the hands on a clock to show: • Ten past ten • Ten to ten • 11:45 • Quarter past 3 • 12:40 True or false • 1:50 is the same as 10 minutes to 2. • 5 o’clock PM is 12 hours later than 5 o’clock AM. • 15 minutes before 6 o’clock is 5:15 on a digital clock • If the hour hand is pointing to VI, it is six o’clock • If the minute hand points at XI, it is nine o’clock. If the clock hands make a straight line on an analogue clock, can you write some of the times that the clock might be showing? Year 3

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