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Graphing a Linear Equation

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1 Graphing a Linear Equation
A solution of an equation in two variables x and y is an ordered pair (x, y) that makes the equation true. The graph of an equation in x and y is the set of all points (x, y) that are solutions of the equation. In this lesson you will see that the graph of a linear equation is a line.

2 Verifying Solutions of an Equation
Use the graph to decide whether the point lies on the graph of x + 3y = 6. Justify your answer algebraically. y x 1 5 3 O –1 (1, 2) SOLUTION x + 3y = 6 Write original equation. 1 + 3(2) = 6 ? Substitute 1 for x and 2 for y. 7  6 Simplify. Not a true statement. (1, 2) is not a solution of the equation x + 3y = 6, so it is not on the graph.

3 Verifying Solutions of an Equation
Use the graph to decide whether the point lies on the graph of x + 3y = 6. Justify your answer algebraically. y x 1 5 3 O –1 (–3, 3) SOLUTION x + 3y = 6 Write original equation. –3 + 3(3) = 6 ? Substitute –3 for x and 3 for y. 6 = 6 Simplify. True statement. (–3, 3) is a solution of the equation x + 3y = 6, so it is on the graph.

4 Graphing a Linear Equation
In the previous example you learned that the point (–3, 3) is on the graph of x + 3y = 6, but how many points does a graph have in all? The answer is that most graphs have too many points to list. y x 1 5 3 O –1 Then how can you ever graph an equation? One way is to make a table or a list of a few values, plot enough solutions to recognize a pattern, and then connect the points. Even then, the graph extends without limit to the left of the smallest input and to the right of the largest input.

5 Graphing a Linear Equation
In the previous example you learned that the point (–3, 3) is on the graph of x + 3y = 6, but how many points does a graph have in all? The answer is that most graphs have too many points to list. y x 1 5 3 O –1 Then how can you ever graph an equation? One way is to make a table or a list of a few values, plot enough solutions to recognize a pattern, and then connect the points. Even then, the graph extends without limit to the left of the smallest input and to the right of the largest input. When you make a table of values to graph an equation, you may want to choose values for x that include negative values, zero, and positive values. This way you will see how the graph behaves to the left and right of the y -axis.

6 Substitute to find the corresponding y-value.
Graphing an Equation Use a table of values to graph the equation y + 2 = 3x. SOLUTION Rewrite the equation in function form by solving for y. y + 2 = 3x Write original equation. y = 3x – 2 Subtract 2 from each side. Choose a few values for x and make a table of values. Choose x. Substitute to find the corresponding y-value. –2 y = 3(–2) – 2 = – 8 –1 y = 3(–1) – 2 = –5 y = 3(0) – 2 = –2 1 y = 3(1) – 2 = 1 2 y = 3(2) – 2 = 4

7 Use a table of values to graph the equation y + 2 = 3x.
Graphing an Equation Use a table of values to graph the equation y + 2 = 3x. SOLUTION y x 2 1 –1 –2 – 8 –5 4 –1 y x 1 –3 3 –6 –8 With the table of values you have found the five solutions (–2, –8), (–1, –5), (0, –2), (1, 1), and (2, 4). Plot the points. Note that they appear to lie on a straight line. The line through the points is the graph of the equation.

8 Graphing a Linear Equation
You may remember examples of linear equations in one variable. The solution of an equation such as 2 x – 1 = 3 is a real number. Its graph is a point on the real number line. The equation y + 2 = 3x in the previous example is a linear equation in two variables. Its graph is a straight line. GRAPHING A LINEAR EQUATION STEP 1 Rewrite the equation in function form, if necessary. STEP 2 Choose a few values of x and make a table of values. STEP 3 Plot the points from the table of values. A line through these points is the graph of the equation.

9 Graphing a Linear Equation
Use a table of values to graph the equation 3x + 2y = 1. SOLUTION 1 Rewrite the equation in function form by solving for y. This will make it easier to make a table of values. 3x + 2y = 1 Write original equation. 2y = –3x + 1 Subtract 3x from each side. y = – x + 3 2 1 Divide each side by 2. 2 Choose a few values for x and make a table of values. Choose x. Evaluate y. –2 2 7 2 1 2 5 2

10 ( ) ( ) Graphing a Linear Equation
Use a table of values to graph the equation 3x + 2y = 1. SOLUTION Evaluate y. Choose x. –2 2 7 1 5 With the table of values you have found three solutions. 7 2 1 5 –2, , 0, , 2, ( ) ( ) y x 1 2 3 O –2 –3 –4 3 Plot the points and draw a line through them. The graph of 3x + 2y = 1 is shown at the right.

11 Using the Graph of a Linear Model
An Internet Service Provider estimates that the number of households h (in millions) with Internet access can be modeled by h = 6.76 t , where t represents the number of years since Graph this model. Describe the graph in the context of the real-life situation. SOLUTION Make a table of values. Use 0 £ t £ 6, for 1996 – 2002. t h 14.90 1 21.66 From the table and the graph, you can see that the number of households with Internet access is projected to increase by about 7 million households per year. 2 28.42 3 35.18 4 41.94 5 48.70 6 55.46

12 Horizontal and Vertical Lines
All linear equations in x and y can be written in the form A x + B y = C. When A = 0 the equation reduces to B y = C and the graph is a horizontal line. When B = 0 the equation reduces to A x = C and the graph is a vertical line. EQUATIONS OF HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LINES y = b x = a In the coordinate plane, the graph y = b is a horizontal line. In the coordinate plane, the graph x = a is a horizontal line.

13 Graph the following equation.
Graphing y = b Graph the following equation. y = 2 SOLUTION y x 1 2 3 O –2 –3 –4 The equation does not have x as a variable. (–3, 2) (0, 2) (3, 2) The y -value is always 2, regardless of the value of x. For instance, here are some points that are solutions of the equation: y = 2 (–3, 2), (0, 2), (3, 2) The graph of the equation is a horizontal line 2 units above the x-axis.

14 Graph the following equation.
Graphing x = a Graph the following equation. x = –3 SOLUTION y x 1 2 3 O –2 –3 –4 x = –3 The x-value is always –3, regardless of the value of y. (–3, 3) For instance, here are some points that are solutions of the equation: (–3, 0) (–3, –2) (–3, –2), (–3, 0), (–3, 3) The graph of the equation is a vertical line 3 units to the left of the y-axis.

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