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Explore York Libraries and Archives

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Presentation on theme: "Explore York Libraries and Archives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Explore York Libraries and Archives
Knowledge and Ideas for Everyone

2 Why National picture CYC encouraging staff to look at alternative delivery models in culture Refusal to accept the reality in front of us Freedom from bureaucracy Donations and grants

3 The journey When we started the landscape was scary. Too many words, social enterprise, mutual, community benefit, cooperative. What do they all mean? MSP help was crucial in providing clarity and legal support

4 Benefits Building in social value to the contract ensures we can focus on outcomes rather than bean counting Building partnerships as an independent organisation. Seen as different and included in better ways

5 Benefits of spinning out
Simply the freedom to make our own decisions, create our own success Staff attitudes and commitment, a sense of collaborative partnership Charitable status and donations

6 Fiona Williams Chief Executive

7 Adult digital learning The proposition
Explore works to get everyone online and we deliver books to people who are housebound Be Independent provides support to 3,500 people who are housebound Tablets enable people to live more independently, shopping, choosing library books, banking etc etc

8 Adult digital learning The plan
Staff working together Lending tablets Teaching people in their homes how to make the most of being on online safely Helping them to Skype to keep in touch with friends and family, combating loneliness Portable wifi devices to improve connectivity

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