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Extended Schools Remodelling Programme

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1 Extended Schools Remodelling Programme

2 The Every Child Matters agenda is focused on achieving five outcomes that matter most to children
Every Child Matters: Change for Children sets out an agenda for reform across children's services, allowing providers to work more effectively both together and with parents and carers

3 To attain these outcomes all schools will offer core extended services by 2010 – 50% schools by 2008
A varied menu of activities Parenting support Swift and easy referral to specialised support services including family learning including adult learning Quality childcare All year round 8am-6pm on site or through local providers including study support Core offer Extended schools are not expected to work alone or deliver services in isolation, but work together with the Local Authority and other agencies to deliver this agenda together Community access Community access The ECM:Change for Children programme is a shared national programme of system-wide reform designed to ensure that children’s services work better together and with parents and carers to help give children more opportunities and better support. It focuses on 5 outcomes: to be healthy, to stay safe, to enjoy and achieve, to make a positive contribution, to achieve economic wellbeing. This means bringing services together into single settings like children’s centres (birth-5) and schools. An extended school provides a range of services and activities to meet the needs of children, families and the wider community. There is no one solution – by consulting with parents, schools will be able to develop the package that best meets the needs of the local community. Primary schools are not all expected to offer extended services on their own sites – instead it will mean working with a range of local providers to enable children and families to have access to extended services. Secondary schools will be open from 8am – 6pm all year around, offering a range of activities for young people. The core offer for delivery in all schools by 2010 (and by 2008 in at least half of primaries and a third of secondaries): High quality childcare provided on site or through local providers, with suitable transfer arrangements where appropriate, available 8am-6pm all year round Redriff Primary, Rotherhithe set up a breakfast club for children to play and meet their friends in a safe, calm environment and provided children with a regular, healthy breakfast. Funded by charity HealthFirst A varied menu of activities eg homework clubs, study support, sport, music tuition, dance, drama, arts, crafts, visits to museums and galleries At Eltham Green School, Police Constable Dougie Cameron incorporated the school and campus into his beat. He provided sessions on surfing safely on the internet and PSHE lessons. This increased the links between police, families and the school Parenting support including info sessions for parents at key transition points, parenting programmes run with the support of other children’s services and family learning sessions At Wensley Fold Cof E Primary they developed a systematic approach to welcoming parents into the school. A range of initiatives were introduced, all focusing on increasing parents’ involvement in school life and their children’s learning. Examples included: family reading sessions, maths, literacy and spelling workshops for Years 1, 2 and 3, ‘Share’ scheme for Year 4 parents to discuss the curriculum. A 6-week transition programme for Year 6 pupils, run in partnership with local secondary school, prepares parents for Key Stage 3 Swift and easy referral to a wide range of specialist support services eg speech therapy, child and adolescent mental health, behaviour support and (for young people) sexual health services Also at Eltham Green, Julie Unitt, School Nurse with Special Interest, provides a weekly session at the Community Centre for young people, a confidential drop-in service (MOT for kids) for pupils and a 10-week course in childcare for ASDAN curriculum pupils. She works with counsellors from QUIT to provide a support group to stop smoking Community access – providing wider access to ICT, sports and arts facilities including adult learning Foxhollies Special School set up an inclusive community theatre group that meets once a week and runs an annual summer arts week with a mainstream school. Members run their own activities, plan performances, attract audiences and book venues. Pupils develop considerable confidence and independence from performing on stage

4 Why become an extended school? The benefits
What do extended schools achieve? Motivate and enthuse pupils Close the achievement gap Ensure that children arrive at school ready to learn Meet the five ECM outcomes Reinvigorate local communities What do extended schools do? Build on the best existing practice in schools Place children at the centre of a network of services which support their learning and wellbeing Promote greater parental involvement in their children’s learning Forge stronger links with the community

5 An Extended Schools Remodelling Programme has been developed building on the learning from workforce reform Workforce reform National Agreement Remodelling Extended Services Every Child Matters Schools and the other agencies working with children are the experts. What remodelling gives schools is a way of deciding what to do and how to achieve it Remodelling is a structured change process which empowers schools to tackle their key issues in a way that reflects their individual circumstances Over 20,000 schools engaged with remodelling to implement the National Agreement

6 Characteristics of extended schools remodelling
The programme is flexible – accommodating the different starting points of different schools and communities There will be opportunities to work with other schools, the local authority and a wide range of other agencies delivering children’s services There will be coherence with the wider Every Child Matters agenda and other initiatives affecting schools Flexible Collaborative Coherent

7 The process takes approximately two terms to complete
The Extended Schools Remodelling Programme consists of four workshops held at key stages during the remodelling process Workshop1 Mobilise & Discover Workshop2 Discover & Deepen Workshop3 Develop & Deliver Workshop4 Deliver & Sustain Workshops run by the Local Authority Community events run by schools / clusters Event 1 Identify Opportunities Event 2 Develop Proposals Event 3 Deliver Services The process takes approximately two terms to complete

8 What you can expect from the programme:
You will get a fuller understanding of the local plans and national context for extended services in and around schools You will understand the opportunities available for schools and communities and support available from the Local Authority You will identify the priorities for extended services in your community and have a plan for their delivery You will be shown practical tools and techniques that can help schools and other agencies in developing extended services You will be able to identify and implement “quick wins” which benefit pupils, their families and communities Working together in your community you will begin to deliver extended services Understand the context Understand the opportunities Identify priorities Learn practical tools Make “quick wins” Deliver extended services

9 Expectations of you: Expectations of you:
That you will be committed to exploring the benefits that extended services can bring to schools and the community That you are willing to take opportunities and confront challenges on schools’ journeys towards the offer of extended services That you have energy and commitment to the events and activities between the workshops Commitment to the benefits That you deliver access to the full core offer Take opportunities and challenges Commitment to the programme

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