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An update on the campaign

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1 An update on the campaign
Don’t Dump on Downer … An update on the campaign ​‌Unofficial‌​

2 You were invited to come ….. and an unprecedented number did.

3 And over the coming days and weeks…

4 …a message was sent to Government…

5 … that residents must be heard…

6 … and their concerns addressed.

7 Did we succeed….? ​‌Unofficial‌​

8 The Canberra Times, 7 February, 2019, by Dan Jervis-Bardy
Mr Gentleman has told The Canberra Times that the majority of Downer would remain zoned for one and two-storey housing. The only changes in the pipeline for the inner-north suburb are to allow buildings of up to 18 metres on Northbourne Avenue and 12 metres on the Federal Highway, as part of the City and Gateway framework, he said. Mr Gentleman said the "very loose bubble" which designated the "urban intensification" areas in the planning strategy's map did not necessarily indicate streets or suburbs where the government intended to rezone land for urban infill. (emphasis added) ​‌Unofficial‌​

9 Canberra Weekly, 14 February 2019, by Denholm Samaras, pg 10.
An ACT Government spokesperson told Canberra Weekly that the Government’s vision for Downer is to retain its open spaces and ensure it’s well connected and integrated into the Northbourne Avenue corridor and the Dickson Group Centre “The ACT Government will continue to invest in infrastructure and community facilities to support growth in the area and ensure liveable neighbourhoods,” the spokesperson said. “We are committed to protecting our garden suburbs by encouraging urban renewal around town centres and major transport routes.” (emphasis added) ​‌Unofficial‌​

10 So what does that mean? Continued vigilance and focus on any ‘urban intensification’ areas. There was no commitment to change the ACT Planning Strategy 2018, but rather, an assertion by Government that Downer had “misinterpreted the map’s purpose” “Mr Gentleman said he understood how Downer residents might have misinterpreted the map's purpose, but said their fears could have been allayed "if they had picked up the phone and called his office“. A meeting between the two parties scheduled for last November had to be cancelled because the Downer residents couldn't attend, he said.” (The Canberra Times, 7 February 2018. For the record, it was the Minister’s office that cancelled the meeting, not the DCA. Nor does the DCA believe it ‘misinterpreted’ the map. ​‌Unofficial‌​

11 And as for the City and Gateway Urban Design framework?
No further changes are proposed or conceded by Government If you live on Panton Street, expect 18 metre buildings If you live on Blacket, Atherton or Banfield Streets, expect 12 metre buildings And we continue to await with baited breath as to what the continue(d) [investment in] infrastructure and community facilities will be ​‌Unofficial‌​

12 So what next? The DCA has met with the NCA (12 February 2019) about the proposed amendments to DA91, and reiterated the view that the proposed building heights in the City and Gateway Urban Design framework remain too high. The DCA position continues, as told to us by its residents, to support up to four storey buildings on Panton Street, and two storey buildings on Blacket, Atherton and Banfield Streets. DCA also suggested that the area opposite Southwell Park (Lyneham playing fields) be designated as open or public space, and not slated for potential development. DCA will make its submission available online Petition – work is underway to get that up and running Downer by Design ​‌Unofficial‌​

13 We heard your views at the February meeting.
DOWNER BY DESIGN We heard your views at the February meeting. We’ve told the Government what we don’t want; we now need to clarify what we do want. Community workshop Monday, 1 April 2019 at 7:00pm (no joke!) Come with your ideas and be prepared to engage ​‌Unofficial‌​

14 And from all of us at the DCA…
Thank you for your support. Why not offer your special skills to the DCA? ​‌Unofficial‌​

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