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Nzamc Leiz-Latc 11:19 Deuteronomy 11:19
Principle 7: Consistency Da’cietv Diuh Leiz-Nyei: Zanc-Zanc Ei Jienv Zoux Nzamc Leiz-Latc 11:19 Deuteronomy 11:19 Sunday/July 25, 2010
Nzamc Leiz-Latc 11:19: “Oix zuqc njaaux meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv hiuv duqv naaiv deix waac. Maiv gunv yiem biauv fai yiem jauv zaangc, bueix njiec fai jiez sin, zungv oix zuqc buih jienv yiem.” Deuteronomy 11:19 “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Biux Mengh Waac Introduction
Naaiv douc Ging-Sou njaaux mbuo oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei njaaux fu’jueiv. Zanc-zanc njaaux fu’jueiv nyei eix-leiz se ei jienv dongh mbuo mbenc daaih fai dingc daaih nyei leiz-nyeic zoux. Mbuo yaac duqv hoqc jiex daaih taux juqv nyungc leiz-nyeic liuz aqv. Mbuo oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei ei jienv naaiv deix leiz zoux. This passage taught us consistency in child training. Consistency is defined as "steadfast adherence to the same principles. "We have already learned six "key" principles we must follow in order to raise godly children. But it is not enough to just understand and be aware of these principles. We must consistently apply them - we must "steadfastly adhere" to them, and we must continually apply the "same principles" without variation. This applies to all six areas we have already discussed:
I. Siec Diuh Fu’jueiv Nyei Leiz-Nyeic Jauv.
Seven Principle of Child Training.
Principle 1: Mbuo oix zuqc zanc-zanc
ei jienv dongh mbuo mbenc daaih nyei Mouz deic jauv zoux: Tengx mbuo dorh mbuo nyei fu’jueiv fuh sux Tin-Hungh. (1) Principle 1: We must consistently keep our purpose before us and take all actions with that purpose in mind: to raise our children to serve God.
(2) Principle 2: Mbuo oix zuqc zanc-zanc mbenc ziangx jauv, mbuo mbenc daaih nyei jauv oix zuqc caux Tin-Hungh nyei waac doix-diuc, yaac oix zuqc ei jienv dongh mbuo mbenc ziangx nyei jauv zoux. (2) Principle 2: We must consistently plan our actions in harmony with God's word, and put our plan into action.
(3) Principle 3: Mbuo oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei biux mengh hnamv mbuo nyei jauv bun mbuo nyei yietc zungv hmuangv doic, mbuo dingc nyei mouz deic jauv se oix zuqc benx longx jiex nyei jauv bun mbuo nyei hmuangv doic. (3) Principle 3: We must consistently act in love for the whole family, making our decisions according to what is best for all.
(4) Pinciple 4: Mbuo oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei njaaux mbuo nyei fu’jueiv hiuv duqv Tin-Hungh nyei za’eix hnangv haaix nor. (4) Principle 4: We must consistently instruct our children to know God's will.
(5) Principle 5: Mbuo oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei longc mbuo nyei lingc hatc maaz weic longx nyei jauv, hnamv jienv weic oix bun mbuo nyei fu’jueiv muangx waac yaac duqv longx. (5) Principle 5: We must consistently use authority for the good of all, expecting obedience and respect from children.
(6) Principle 6: Mbuo oix zuqc maiv dingh liouh nyei aapv njaaux mbuo nyei fu’jueiv muangx mbuo nyei waac, ei jienv dongh mbuo duqv hoqc jiex daaih nyei jauv, se hnangv zorqv zuiz caux bun zingh nyeic nyei jauv wuov. (6) Principle 6: We must consistently motivate our children to obey us by means of proper, diligent application of punishments and rewards.
(7) Principle 7: Mbuo oix zuqc zanc-zanc ei jienv dongh
We must consistently apply them - we must "steadfastly adhere" to them, and we must continually apply the "same principles" without variation. This applies to all six areas we have already discussed: (7) Principle 7: Mbuo oix zuqc zanc-zanc ei jienv dongh mbuo mbenc ziangx nyei jauv zoux. Mbuo oix zuqc souv Wuonv dongh mbuo duqv dingc ziangx daaih faix mbenc fai mbenc ziangx nyei jauv zoux. Yaac oix zuqc ei jienv wuov deix juqv diuh leiz-nyeic dongh mbuo duqv gorngv jiex daaih wuov zoux. (7) Principle 7: We must consistently apply them - we must "steadfastly adhere" to them, and we must continually apply the "same principles" without variation. This applies to all six areas we have already discussed:
Why We Have Training Our Children? II. Weic Haaix Diuc Mbuo
Oix Zuqc Njaaux Mbuo Nyei Fu’jueiv? Why We Have Training Our Children?
1. Weic zuqc Tin-Hungh ginv meih daaih njaaux Tin-Hungh nyei jauv bun meih nyei fu’jueiv - Tin – Tin Deic Douh 18:19 “Yie ginv ninh daaih weic bun ninh njaaux ninh nyei fu'jueiv caux ninh nyei hoz doic zeiv-fun, zoux horpc zoux baengh fim nyei, ziouc goux longx yie nyei doz. Hnangv naaic, ZIOUV haih zoux ziangx ziux ninh laengz bun Apc^laa^ham nyei waac." 1. Because God chosen you to teaching God’s way to your children –Genesis 18:19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."
2. Weic zuqc Tin-Hungh oix bun meih nyei fu’jueiv hiuv duqv Tin-Hungh nyei jauv – Nzamc Leiz-Latc 4:10 “Oix zuqc bun ninh mbuo hiuv duqv meih mbuo yiem Holepv Mbong souv jienv ZIOUV, meih mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh, nyei nza'hmien wuov hnoi, ZIOUV gorngv mbuox yie, "Oix zuqc mbuox zuangx mienh gapv zunv yiem yie nyei nza'hmien. Yie oix ninh mbuo muangx haiz yie nyei waac weic bun ninh mbuo ziangh seix zaangc nyei hnoi-nyieqc haih hoqc hiuv taaih yie, yaac njaaux ninh mbuo nyei fu'jueiv hnangv naaiv nor zoux." 2. Because God wants your children to know God’s way – Deuteronomy 4:10 “Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, "Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children."
3. Weic zuqc Tin-Hungh oix meih njaaux meih nyei fu’jueiv – Nzamc Leiz-Latc 6:7 “Oix zuqc jienh njaaux meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv hiuv duqv naaiv deix leiz. Maiv gunv yiem biauv fai yiem jauv zaangc, bueix njiec fai jiez sin, zungv oix zuqc buih jienv yiem.” 3. Because God wants you to teach your children – Deuteronomy 6:7 “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
4. Because God hold you accountable – 1 Samuel 2:27-3:21.
4. Weic zuqc Tin-Hungh oix bun meih ndaam-dorng meih zoux nyei gong – 1 Saa^mu^en 2:27- 3:21. 4. Because God hold you accountable – 1 Samuel 2:27-3:21.
III. Biblical Principle of Parenting
1. Parents must train your child in the way of the Lord – Ephesians 6:4: “Zoux die nyei mienh aah! Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv qiex jiez. Oix zuqc ei Ziouv nyei leiz dorh longx fu'jueiv, njaaux ninh mbuo muangx waac.” “ฝ่ายท่านผู้เป็นบิดาอย่ายั่วบุตรของตนให้เกิดโทสะแต่จง อบรมบุตรด้วยการสั่งสอนและการตักเตือนตามหลักขององค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้า.” “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
2. Parents must be able to management their own children – I Timothy 3:4: “Oix zuqc haih gunv duqv longx ganh nyei hmuangv doic, njaaux ganh nyei fu'jueiv taaih ninh, muangx ninh nyei waac.” “ต้องเป็นคนครอบครองบ้านเรือนของตนได้ดีบังคับบัญชาบุตรทั้งหลายของตนด้วยความสง่าผ่าเผยทุกอย่าง.” “One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;”
3. The Duty of Parents – Ko^lo^si 3:21 Zoux die nyei mienh aah
3. The Duty of Parents – Ko^lo^si 3:21 Zoux die nyei mienh aah! Maiv dungx cuoqv meih mbuo nyei fu'jueiv. Nzauh heix ninh mbuo hnyouv namx.” “ฝ่ายบิดาก็อย่ายั่วบุตรของตนให้ขัดเคืองใจ เกรงว่าเขาจะท้อใจ” Colosians 3:21 “Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged.”
How should we instruct our children?
Nzutv Nzorz Waac Conclusion Mbuo hnangv haaix nor njaaux mbuo nyei fu’jueiv? How should we instruct our children?
1. Longc biaa mborqv – Cong-Mengh Waac 29:15: “Longc biaav mborqv njaaux yaac gorngv-njaaux, fu'jueiv ziouc jaa cong-mengh, mv baac se gorngv sueih fu'jueiv ei ganh nyei hnyouv zoux, ziouc bun maa zuqc nyaiv.” Discipline by the rod – Proverbs 29:15 “The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother.”
2. Longc waac njaaux dongh meih buatc nyei caux hiuv nyei jauv – Nzamc Leiz-Lztc 4:9-10.
A word of mouth which you see by your eyes and known by your heart, heard by your ears – Deuteronomy 4:9-10.
3. Njaaux yiem meih nyei nyungc zeiv, meih zoux nyei sic, sienx nyei jauv, gorngv nyei waac – 2 Ti^mo^tai 1:5-7. Teach by the example, good deeds, your words, your faith – 2 Timothy 1:5-7.
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