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The Art of Persuasion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Art of Persuasion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Art of Persuasion

2 Selling is Persuasion Selling is persuading others to buy your proposition. Persuasion involves motivation aimed at inducing action (buying)

3 How you communicate could determine how persuasive you are
Verbal (the words you use) Vocal (the tone you use) Facial (the expressions you put on) Non-verbal ( the body movements you make)

4 The concept of space Intimate space Personal space Social space
Public space Space threats Space invasion

5 Barriers to communication
Differences in perception Need for the product Selling pressure Information overload Disorganized sales presentation Distraction Poor listening

6 Power and Persuasion Who has the ‘power’ ?

7 Levels of Power Reward Coercive Legitimate Referent Expert Persuasion

8 Three levels of listening
Marginal Evaluative Active

9 Attitude Enthusiasm Knowledge Credibility

10 Principle of contingency benefits
People are persuaded to buy things because they are motivated by their desire for the future benefits you offer them.

11 Principles of Suggestion
People accept any idea that enters their mind unless there is a contradictory idea that blocks its acceptance People will act in accordance with a suggestion unless stopped physically. If they are merely indifferent, they would probably go along with the suggestion The acceptance of a suggestion depends on the source of the suggestion The acceptance of the suggestion depends on the intensity with which it is made People are more apt to act on a recent suggestion than one made earlier A suggestions is apt to be accepted, if it is repeated People will believe a suggestion if they want to believe it, regardless of its merit A suggestion that appears to be natural and spontaneous is more likely to be accepted than one which is apparently planned and contrived

12 Other means of suggestion
Suggestion through action Direct suggestion Indirect suggestion Positive and negative suggestion Counter suggestion Pleasant versus unpleasant suggestion

13 Using emotion to stimulate prospects
Choice of words Emotional appeals are more forceful in most instances than rational ones. Using the right verbs and adjectives

14 The use of logic When should it be used? Professional buyers
Technical buyers In selling complex articles or propositions When large expenditures are involved In selling something new to the buyer

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