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THE Seven forks eco- recreational centre

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1 THE Seven forks eco- recreational centre
Presented by: CPA Christine Naliaka 2017 5TH COPI-EH FORUM

2 Why Recreational center Benefits to the company Facts
Presentation Outline Introduction Why Recreational center Benefits to the company Facts Sample recreational facilities Budget Expected revenues

3 Explore Alternative/ additional Revenue Generation stream for Kengen.
Introduction Explore Alternative/ additional Revenue Generation stream for Kengen. The famous 7 Forks hydro dams has in the past attracted many institutions and groups who come to have a glimpse or a know-how of hydro power generation. The company attracts / host staff from various Kengen regions who come on staff tours and many other company assignments The facility will be offering team building grounds, Retreats, Guest house, conference facility, boarding for schools and institutions and a camping site.

4 Why eco-recreational center
An alternate revenue stream to the company The Need for a modern eco-recreational facility Lack of modern training and recreational facilities at Seven forks.

5 Why eco-recreational center -continued
The area has a staff welfare club with minimal accommodation and conference facilities Accommodation and facilities around the area are expensive such as Kobos. Availability of idle land and resources. Employment Opportunities

6 Benefits to the company
An Alternate Revenue stream to the company The facility can be used as main training and conference facilities for Kengen (Morendat). Team building services Conversion of idle land into productive

7 Facts and figures: Monthly Number of visitors per station
JOH-KGN JvW-X1 Facts and figures: Monthly Number of visitors per station Data source- station monthly reports

8 Data source- safety office EH

9 Facts and figures: Monthly total revenue from company guest houses
Data source-KSSC reports

10 Estimated cost for the facility
ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT AMOUNT 1 High-rise residential building with 100 rooms 100 pax 200,000,000.00 2 Social club /conference room 20,000,000.00 3 Simple arena 50 pax 15,000,000.00 4 Swimming pool 8,000,000.00 5 GYM hall 6 Restaurant 40,000,000.00 7 Residential blocks ( 100 pax) 50,000,000.00  Total cost 348,000,000.00

11 Annual revenue projections

12 The Payback period is expected to be Less than 6YRS

13 Camping site pictorial

14 Eco recreation facilities pictorial

15 Parting shot


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