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The University of Hong Kong SOWK 0060 Career Skills Training Group 19

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Hong Kong SOWK 0060 Career Skills Training Group 19"— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Hong Kong SOWK 0060 Career Skills Training Group 19
Group Members: Law Tin Pui Maggie BBA(A&F) Lee Cho Him Morris BBA(A&F) Ng Ka Lai Kylie BEcon&Fin Tam Junita Long Ching BBA(A&F) Tam Wing Sze Vincy BEcon&Fin Yip Hiu Man Ankei BBA(A&F) District Councilor

2 Overview Introduction Background Analysis of Survey
Job Information – Part 1 Interview Tape Job Information – Part 2 Conclusion

3 Introduction Why District Councilors
Little knowledge about District Councilors Close relationship with our daily life

4 Background District Councils consist of Eligibility for appointment
District Councils Ordinance (Cap. 547 Section 9) Elected members Appointed members Ex officio members Eligibility for appointment District Councils Ordinance (Cap. 547 Section 12)

5 Background 18 District Councils
concern about various local & territory-wide issues which affect people's livelihood link between the Government and the community

6 Background Kowloon City District Council 27 members 5 committees
Housing and Infrastructure Committee Traffic and Transport Committee Community Building Committee Food and Environmental Hygiene Committee and Culture Recreation and Sports Committee

7 Analysis of Survey Misunderstandings
Their representing District Councilors Ways of entering the market Volunteer, Appointment, Joining Political Parties Job duties Consultation, attend Board meetings, district patrol, organize social/ cultural/ sports activities, air opinion to the government Income $17,000

8 Job Information – Part 1

9 Job Market Job Outlook Job Duties Entry Requirements Working Modes
Earning Capacity Career Path Skills Level Characters Sources of Job Satisfaction Job Pressure Job Difficulties

10 1. Job Outlook

11 Job Outlook Current vacancies Ming Pao Newspaper
Specific to the needs of their districts Required to take in more information System of remuneration has been revised Moderate to high turnover rate

12 2. Job Duties Respond to enquiries from individuals in the community
Study reports, proposals and complaints Attend meetings Organize Activities for the Community

13 3. Entry Requirements aged 21 or older An elector
not disqualified from voting in an election has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for 3 years immediately preceding the nomination not disqualified from being nominated as a candidate or elected as an elected member by virtue of section 21 for elected members, or section 14 for appointed members or any other law

14 Working Hours Full-time or Part-time Irregular working hours
Evenings and weekends examples

15 5. Earning Capacity subject to the fluctuation of CPI(A)
District Councilor = HK$16,690 in 2004 ratio of a District Councilor to the Vice Chairman and to the Chairman of the District Council is 1: 1.5: 2 District Councilor HK$17,000 Vice Chairman of District Council HK$25,500 Chairman of District Council HK$34,000

16 5. Earning Capacity Accountable allowance No fringe benefits
lump sum allowance of HK$204,000 per year (or HK$17,000 per month) subjected to the fluctuation of the CPI(A) No fringe benefits No difference between part-time & full-time District Councilors

17 6. Career Path District Councilor Chairman of District Council
Volunteer Vice Chairman of District Council Legislative Councilor Appointed Elected District Councilor Assistant

18 Interview Tape Sharing
Ms. Rosanda Mok Ka Han District Councilor of the Kowloon City District

19 Job Information – Part 2

20 7. Skill Level Professional Knowledge Communication Skill
Leadership Skill

21 7.1 Professional Knowledge
Help in daily duties Improving environmental facilities, transportation system & listening to complaints Often involve knowledge like law and engineering Image-building Higher social status and more extensive network Building trust and confidence with voters

22 7.2 Communication Skill Interpersonal skill Language skill
One of the most important skills Higher exposure  needed to maintain healthy relationship with others Language skill Handle daily paper works, e.g. writing to non-governmental organizations Counseling skill Maybe needed in the case of solving family problem

23 7.3 Leadership Skill Successful publicity campaign
= Successful Election Depends on how effective you organize & recruit your supporters Organizing social activities need a lot of manpower and support Team Spirit is the key

24 8. Characters Sincere Devoted to serve the public
Able to work under pressure Integrity Sociable Self-motivated Able to listen to people’s need Hardworking

25 8. Characters 8.1 Sincere 8.2 Devoted to serve the public
Service from the heart Passion to serve the society Process is more important than result 8.2 Devoted to serve the public Great investment Comparatively little monetary rewards public interest > personal interest

26 8. Characters 8.3 Integrity 8.4 Able to listen to people’s need
Slogan in campaign = PROMISE Public speech = PROMISE Unable to keep promise = failure in election 8.4 Able to listen to people’s need 6 appointments x 7 days x 4 weeks x 12 months 2016 appointments / year Have to be patient and reflect their true needs

27 8. Characters 8.5 Sociable 8.6 Self-motivated
Building network Liaison duties 8.6 Self-motivated Prevent problem before it happens 8.7 Able to work under pressure Heavy workload Attention from the community and colleagues Representative of the people in the district 8.8 Hardworking Minimum requirement

28 9. Sources of Job Satisfaction
Success in improving the environment Feel the importance towards the public Feel popular and welcomed Feel superior due to the status

29 10. Job Pressure Family pressure Pressure from political parties
Keeping images Pressure from paparazzi Not getting re-elected

30 11. Job Difficulties Disagreement with other District Councilors
Not succeed in improving the environment Disagreement with other District Councilors Limited budget & resources

31 Conclusion How to succeed as a District Councilor?
Know the representing district well Interact with the community Representative for the people: dare to air the opinion of people to the Government

32 Conclusion Personality Energetic Organization Passion Listen ELECTED
Key to success – PEOPLE Personality Energetic Organization Passion Listen ELECTED

33 Conclusion How to equip ourselves to become a District Councilor?
Take part in voluntary services to gain experience Polish our communication & presentation skills : key factors to attract supporters Familiarize with Government’s policies Attend courses on psychology / counseling workshops

34 Questions & Answers Session
Thank You! Questions & Answers Session

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